View Full Version : Fav non Megazord-zord

07/11/01, 08:16 AM
Choose one or your favourite stand-alone zords. They may be combined with a (mega)zord. But zords such as Centaurus en Stratoforce are disqualified! They ARE MEGAzords...

07/11/01, 05:31 PM
Mine has to be Titanus. I don't know why, but he's just my favourite Zord. I like how he appeared without a pilot.

07/12/01, 09:50 AM
Why not MiChaos? A good choice too. I have voted for Dragon. A hell of Zord. Many times used for evil, but a real nice powerful mean-green-machine!
But one thing Titanos needs a call from the Rangers (or Zordon & Alpha 5) for his appearance, doesn't he? :hat

07/12/01, 06:18 PM
True, but after that transformed or attacked almost telepathically and worked on voice commands, such as the famous (and now rarely heard) cry of "Fire all weapons".
Dragonzord was a great Zord, but like Tommy was probably evil once too often for my liking ;)

07/12/01, 06:54 PM
I voted for dragonzord, but my second fav. would be the Q-Rex.

07/14/01, 09:46 AM
It's my poll, so I wonder why the Red Battlezord and Torozord or so 'popular' (arhemm..). Could someone, please tell me? Is there something wrong with those ones? Or do you don't like them anyway?
:evil: :evil:

03/14/02, 07:44 PM
I'd have to say my favorite non-megazord is the Q-Rex


Cross My Line
03/17/02, 10:10 AM
um.. people. Q-Rex had a megazord mode. Don't you think that kinda disqualifies him?

Red Ape Shogun Zord is mine.