View Full Version : HasbroTalk

08/19/20, 02:16 AM
Board Link: https://hasbrotalk.jcink.net/index.php?act=idx
Board Description: Originally planned as a PR/Sentai/Toku-based board, I decided to take things to a much higher level and try to create something right out of the left field. HasbroTalk is a fully Hasbro-themed board. It features sections for Hasbro-owned/-ran brands, TV/animated projects, published comics, as well as fully packed Fan Fiction and RPG areas. Check it out.

08/26/20, 08:56 AM
Good idea, gets you a lot of topics.

08/26/20, 12:38 PM
That and all of the PR/Sentai/Toku-related stuff from legacy seasons had already been discussed like a billion times in circles on multiple boards. That's what got me thinking in a completely different direction when registering the board.