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View Full Version : How do rate Star Trek Enterprise?

Pyro Lion Ranger
12/07/01, 11:57 AM
To anyone here that are star trek fans, how do you rate the newest star trek series Enterprise? Vote now.

Red Tulip Ranger
12/07/01, 04:43 PM
I'm a STAR TREK fan, but I don't see what is has to do with PR. And isn't it just 'ENTERPRISE'?

Pyro Lion Ranger
12/07/01, 06:24 PM
I actually forgot to put OT in the subject line. It is just Enterprise.

12/07/01, 08:24 PM
Enterprise is the worst Star Trek series, there are MAJOR causality errors. Unfortunantly more errors are going to occur. *cough* Vulcans helping humans launch sputnik*cough*

02/12/02, 11:04 PM
i dont really like it. capt archer just bothers me to much.

I also really hate prequels

Red Battle Warrior
02/12/02, 11:28 PM
I think Enterprise is ok

05/21/02, 06:29 PM
I think a prequel could have been OK, if it wasn't for some plot errors, which is unusual for Trek. I think it is OK, though I'm glad we have ST:Nemisis soon so we remember there is still life in the 24th centuary after Voyager

05/21/02, 06:35 PM
yeah, i agree with you, MiChaos

05/21/02, 09:11 PM
Why do people insist on digging up old posts.

05/22/02, 04:42 AM
Looks like most people think it's an ok series.

I'll give it this. I am quite interested in the Suliban storyline though. The season finale should be quite good. (*crosses fingers*)

Bison Zord
09/28/02, 05:44 PM
I don't really see where people are getting that they're all these plot errors. Granted there are things in Star Trek that they have stated to have happened a cirtain way, but those things were stated that way, because that's the way they were thought to have happened.

Enterprise really doesn't have that many plot holes.. It just seems that there wasn't as much documented and there were things missed. Like the Furangi, I'm not sure whether Captain Archer knew the name of their race or not. Plus he told them to stay out of the quadrant, which I'm sure they did until Next Generation.

Personally I really like Enterprise and I think they're doing a good job avoiding plot errors, even though it seems to be causing contraversy, because it's saying that Star Trek didn't all happen exactly the way we once thought it did.

10/01/02, 09:59 PM
One major plot error is when ENT has Vulcans helping humans launch sputnik, according to Star Trek History: Vulcans have first contact with humans when Zephram Cochrane flies his ship @ warpspeed. That happens in 2063. B&B must die

Red Tulip Ranger
10/04/02, 09:43 AM
But did the Vulcans reveil they were from outer space? If they acted like 'normal' humans, there was no official contact between two races, because humans didn't know they were dealing with aliens.

Bison Zord
10/19/02, 09:16 PM
Exactly what I was gonna say.

02/24/03, 01:41 AM
Go Back To Your Own Damn Website You Stupid Treckies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11/15/03, 02:20 AM
Time for the show to go.

T'pol is not sexy. Jolene is. But they unglified her just like they did with that dog Jeri ryan.

They should have dumped the useless mayweather idiot. Have Jolene be a human & the navigator chick. & a boomer. One who is really slutty & likes sexy with aliens. Kinda how like dax was in SD9, but more.