View Full Version : Poor Molly!

01/08/07, 03:59 PM
Anybody else feel bad about Molly getting pushed out as the series continued? (Don't know her Japanese name, the redhead Usagi hung out with) She used to be Serena's best friend, they talked at school all the time, but as the Sailor Scouts showed up, Serena began spending less and less time with her. I guess it worked out, since she had her boyfriend Melvin to fall back on, but I always missed her. Seriously, who didn't love the entire arc when she was with Nephlite? That was gravy, baby! Molly was my favorite "regular" person on the whole show.

Neo Moonlight Knight
01/09/07, 01:41 PM
Naru is her Japanese name. and one of her importance appareances was on the episode where Prince diamondo is killed(which is one of the talkbacks) where Naru seems to know that Serena is Sailor Moon. No one knows how in the world she knew... I think she was pushed back due to her relationship with Melvin being now complete.