View Full Version : The REAL Problem with Megaforce/Super Megaforce

11/18/14, 10:17 AM
I really don't see a major problem with megaforce. Sure it has its minor hiccups once every while but I personally think that it has been a have decent series. Also think that Super Megaforce has been alot better the Megaforce. The REAL problem with Megaforce is that its on Nickelodeon. From the long hiatuase to the 20 episode thing to them pausing the series for a week to do that stupid World wide Day of Play thing. Sure its Saban's own fault for putting Power Rangers on Nick in the first place but come on with Nickelodeon is doing to power rangers is just crazy. Back to Super Megaforce, for those who think that the show is dull and has no story to it just keep watching because I think that the last five episode is really good, NOT GREAT, but really good.

P.S.- Tell me what you guys think is it just me or do you guys agree ?