View Full Version : Do you think the White Ranger transitioned well into MMPR?

12/05/14, 11:02 PM
Here's a question I've wondered very recently:

Back when the creators of the original series decided to replace the Green Ranger(Dragonranger from Zyuranger) they chose the 6th Ranger of the next Sentai series KibaRanger(Dairanger) since they are using Zord footage from that Sentai anyway why not use the suit besides the 5 previous Zyurangers!

So my question is back then and even now, do you think that the White Ranger transitioned well into the show? Did you think that the KibaRanger suit blended well with the pre-existing Zyuranger suits?

12/06/14, 10:49 AM
The suit fit in extremely well. I really didn't know the difference at the time. And my knowledge of Sentai was it extremely limited back than. Just saw it mentioned in TV Guide as the show that PR got its action footage from.

But they lucked out with KibaRanger being similar enough to the Zyuranger costumes that it didn't stick out. I think the few differences that it had just made the suit feel more special anyway.

12/06/14, 12:31 PM
I agree that the White Ranger's fit was completely fine, it didn't look too different in comparison to the Zyuranger suits... and actually I had zero knowledge of Sentai back then. I also never read anything like books or magazines so I had no knowledge in regards to it coming from another country.