View Full Version : Lost Galaxy - Why do some fans dislikes Lost Galaxy?

12/06/14, 09:47 PM
Every since after Lost Galaxy ended back then, there have been many fans that didn't care much for or hated Lost Galaxy for many reasons.....I have been wondering about this for awhile, why do some fans hate Lost Galaxy? I figured that one of the reasons would have to do with the late arc (based on the title of the season itself) that came near the end of the season but I'm sure there were other reasons besides that.

As for me, I like Lost Galaxy (as stated before...I don't hate any seasons, I like all but do have a few least favorite seasons but wouldn't mind watching again...well except for Jungle Fury and Operation Overdrive lol). Ever since LG ended, I could never decide if Lost Galaxy was a favorite season or not lol.

12/06/14, 09:49 PM
My only real beef with LG is how after Kendrix returned in the final episode. She was giving the powers of pink ranger back in the Lightspeed team up and such. It just felt like thanks Karone for your help. Now get lost. That irked me. lol I mean Mike didn't take the quasar saber from Leo after he returned. So why was Kendrix giving back the power. lol

Mr. CD
12/06/14, 09:50 PM
Why do I dislike Lost Galaxy? Because it was boring. Really, really boring. For a epic season with a lot of epic moments, it was just boring. I felt like the season spent way too much time focusing on the action and less on the characters. Sure they had their token focus episode, but when you compare the focus the villains got to what that rangers got? Yeah. Sure, it had it's bright spots: the premiere was good, Redemption Day was good, The Rescue Mission was good, Trakeena rise to power was good, the team-up and hand-off the pinks was good, and the finale was great. Everything else? One gigantic blur. Plus the fact the plot would constantly stop to a screeching halt to carbon copy Gingaman plots didn't help.

PR Lover
12/06/14, 09:50 PM
Lost Galaxy was a great season. The actors were great, the plot was amazing, and the villains were simply amazing. The In Space/Lost Galaxy team-up was awesome. The Magna Defender story good. Even karone's redemption from goi ng from evil to becoming the Pink ranger was good.

However, in terms of a season, it was more of an emotional series in death scenrios. Mike's fall, Kendrix's death, Magna Defenders death (and backstory), and even Scorpious's death were tear jerkers.

12/06/14, 09:51 PM
Lost Galaxy, for as much production drama as there was behind-the-scenes, turned out to be one of my favorite seasons. Really, with it, you had no idea where things were going, because the creative staff couldn't keep up. From episodes not being done on time ("Orion Rising") to MD's appearance actually being written for "Double Duty," then being promoted for "The Blue Crush," then winding up happening one episode beyond that... There couldn't have ever been a dull moment in the writers' room.

I think the plots were staying close to the original because the show really needed to find its footing. I'm sure the beginning needed to be redone when they went with Cerina instead of Erin as Maya and decided to temporarily drop Mutiny for Scorpius and his crew.

12/07/14, 11:59 AM
It seemed to be a much more devisive season among the fan base back in 2001. It seems to be a fan favorite now to me.

At the time people hated that Leo got all the focus. PRC Message Board posters used to call hin Lord Leo to mock him. Some people hated the costumes and compared then to Charlie Brown. The first half of the season started out slow and took awhile to get the plot moving. Also many people could have had a hard time getting used to a whole new cast. Since full cast changes dodnt always happen like has become the norm. So it would have been a big shock to get a new cast with a tottally new storyline.

In recent years I think most fans see LG as a epic season and one of the highlights of Lynns run with PR. So I dont see it as a hated season. Feels more like a fan favorite now.

12/07/14, 12:03 PM
My only real beef with LG is how after Kendrix returned in the final episode. She was giving the powers of pink ranger back in the Lightspeed team up and such. It just felt like thanks Karone for your help. Now get lost. That irked me. lol I mean Mike didn't take the quasar saber from Leo after he returned. So why was Kendrix giving back the power. lol

Valiere was contracted to return. Since LG was union and she was on sick leave she had to come back in the last episode. And I dont think they would have had the heart to keep her out anyway. She had just battled a life threatening disease. Its not the actress fault she got sick. I liked having Karone around too. But there wss no need for Perkins once Kendrix was healthy. Since Valiere was already contracted for.the team up.

12/07/14, 03:18 PM
It was a nice story with Kendrix "dying" and her "spirit" giving her powers to Karone but to be honest Karone was just there to help out she wasn't there to replace any of the Rangers like Leo did with Mike. Karone is one of my favorite Pink Rangers but she was just basically seen as a replacement Ranger in that season.

Also I do agree that one of the bad things about the season was because of the late Lost Galaxy arc.

Karone White Tiger
12/29/14, 02:50 PM
I did like Galaxy but there were some crap things about it such as the whole short arc of the Lost Galaxy saga.

Also Mutiny was a crappy villain.