View Full Version : Has this been discussed before?

rad rock
12/19/14, 10:40 PM
I've been looking to see if it has before I write this. As a power ranger version of Gobusters has been skipped (I've no idea why. It was awesome!), and a power ranger version of Kyoryuger is being made instead (probably because collecting cards and keys was popular and now batteries might be popular as well), do you think that ToQger will be made into a power rangers because of collecting those little trains?

Also, if they do make it, do you think the show would be similar or completely different to ToQger? I would like to think it is a possibility but I would like to read the opinions and thoughts and feelings of everyone else here as well.

I keep doing that thing SpongeBob does with his hands when he tells Squidward about the cardboard box. "Imagination" lo

12/19/14, 10:45 PM
Actually Judd said they was considering Go-Busters but the monster suits deteriorated over the years making it impossible to use now. However I do think PR should skip every other season now.

12/19/14, 10:48 PM
just hope they don't do hybrid seasons anymore. Skipping every other year would be okay. Unless there is a show that the honestly feel like they have to do, then I see no problem with skipping.

They can skip ToQger for Ninninger and skip senate's 40th anniversary for the 41st sentai. Just do all the odd years. With the Nick contract, this would be the best way to ensure the suits can all be used and to avoid hybrids (cause Megaforce and Super Megaforce showed that a hybrid season needs to be perfectly executed or it will be less than stellar)

12/19/14, 10:49 PM
Same here red don't hybrid. I would only do that if we have similar enough themes going. Or do what they did for season 2 and 3. Take zord footage only and did original ground footage. But ya hybrid would be dumb to do with conflicting themes. Look how gosei to Gokai turned out. I still see no reason why they kept the gosei suits. We could have easily had a ninja powers zeo turbo to in space quest for new powers. Plot for the opening first 2 episodes.

12/19/14, 10:50 PM
Anyway, I won't be surprised if Ninninger does get adapted in 2017. The Shuriken collectible renders the train collecting thing moot, and I can't see them passing up the chance for another ninja season. Bear in mind, doing Toqger would mean that Ninninger would be four years old by the time it comes around again, assuming the current 20 episodes a year format remains in place. So in 2019, they'll obviously do either the 2016 or 2017 Sentais.

Mr. CD
12/19/14, 10:52 PM
Yeah it's been discuss. Also as I stress so many times, folks need to refrain from acting like there's now a precedent for Sentai series getting skipped there isn't one. Not until we know what's after Dino Supercharge.

But what if they run into a Sentai that's hard to work with?

Then you MAKE IT WORK. There has been plenty of times in the past where PR wanted to do something, the Sentai didn't give them it, but they still did it anyway:

"Make a space themed season out of a video game motif Sentai? Let's do it! The ship doesn't actually travel through space? Then we shoot footage of the ship flying around, tint a forest, and call it an alien planet, done!"
"Do another space themed season but out of a nature themed Sentai? Sure, who cares if the footage clashes with our story!"
"Make a season that's set in the future and features aliens running around? Hell yeah we'll do it, to the make-up department!"
"Do a season where the Rangers will be traveling around the world looking for artifacts? Of course, we'll just film in different parts of New Zealand, mock up some sets and in the Sentai footage we'll say it's another country!"
"It's the last season, let's make it set in a post-apocalyptic future where robots are trying to wipe out humanity! Oh wait, what we have to work with a goofy, comedy Sentai with talking robot cars? Let's do it any! It's going to take a lot of rehauling and will probably eat up the budget, but it'll be all worth it!"

Quit trying to take the easy way out Saban!

12/20/14, 03:36 PM
I've been looking to see if it has before I write this. As a power ranger version of Gobusters has been skipped (I've no idea why. It was awesome!)
It was skipped because it had bad toy sales in Japan so Bandai didn't want to risk the same situation happening especially since it would have been a 2-year toy line. Also it didn't have as many gimmicks and it was a lot different compared to the usual Sentai season.

ah it's been discuss. Also as I stress so many times, folks need to refrain from acting like there's now a precedent for Sentai series getting skipped there isn't one. Not until we know what's after Dino Supercharge.
you're right there's no precedent for skipping a Sentai series, Saban may be able to do so but it's probably not just their own choice, it probably has to be a decision that is approved by them, Toei, Bandai of Japan and Bandai of America.

But what if they run into a Sentai that's hard to work with?

Then you MAKE IT WORK. There has been plenty of times in the past where PR wanted to do something, the Sentai didn't give them it, but they still did it

Very true but if Saban doesn't give them a lot of money for the budget then it's not going to be that easy to do a lot of that stuff that you cited as examples.

12/20/14, 04:41 PM
Isn't bandai the one that usually bails them out? They paid for the Wild Rider sequence in "Forever Red", The Spirit Rangers, and I believe at least some of the battlizers.

12/20/14, 07:56 PM
yes they are usually the ones that bail them out such as paying for Forever Red, paying for the Battlizers, Mega Battles, the exclusive Cycles and likely the exclusive mooks as well.

Turbo Guy
12/20/14, 09:38 PM
Should have done a better job with the ending battle. Having the Wild Rider destory Surpenterra was stupid. They should have done a Megazord battle.

No Green Spandex
12/20/14, 09:39 PM
I'm just glad Tommy didn't save the day for once.

12/21/14, 04:32 AM
Should have done a better job with the ending battle. Having the Wild Rider destory Surpenterra was stupid. They should have done a Megazord battle.
I agree and such a thing was originally planned but it just didn't work out because they wanted to use a zord for each Red Ranger but a lot of the earlier suits were too damaged so then they had came up with the idea of using CGI for each zord but such a thing would have been too expensive and Disney refused to pay for it so they had to go to Bandai to help out but Bandai wouldn't pay for it and would only pay for it in exchange of using one of their toys as a focus for the episode.

I personally think it would have made more sense if they just wound up using the Astro Megaship Mark 2 and Animus for the battle against Serpentera along with the other Rangers using other Rangers to help out.

The issue was that Disney didn't want to pay for so much CGI but using just the Megaship and Animus wouldn't have been that much. They wound up paying for both Predazord and Animus being shot in original footage in a few scenes.

I'm just glad Tommy didn't save the day for once.

I do like Tommy as a character but you do have a point there. I just didn't like the execution of Forever Red especially with Serpentera's destruction or the execution of the Legendary Battle with them using just X-Borgs for the battle. It was supposed to be a big deal for the Legendary Battle so why not use X-Borgs, Bruisers and Kingsmen all at once?

12/21/14, 11:46 AM
Thats a good solution for getting around the cost issue. Using Megaship Mark 2 to form the Astro Megazord and Animus would have made a lot of sense. I would have settled for just Astro Megazord at that point.

Yeah their hands were tied once they had Bandai pay for the final sequence. Since they had to promise to promote the toys. I persume the Wild Zords werent an option.

Aparently Jonathon's explanation was that the Wild Rider was from a god, so it could be powerful enough to destory Surpenterra. It was smart to have Animus give Cole the bike before hand to set this up.

Maybe the Machine Generals didn't do as good a job as they thought with rebuilding the zord. Since it was vunerable enough for a bike to destory it. Even if it was from a god.

MMPR Forever
12/21/14, 11:47 AM
I would have liked it if they used the original Megazord. Maybe even the Thunder Megazord.

12/21/14, 09:21 PM
Thats a good solution for getting around the cost issue. Using Megaship Mark 2 to form the Astro Megazord and Animus would have made a lot of sense. I would have settled for just Astro Megazord at that point.

Yeah their hands were tied once they had Bandai pay for the final sequence. Since they had to promise to promote the toys. I persume the Wild Zords werent an option.

Aparently Jonathon's explanation was that the Wild Rider was from a god, so it could be powerful enough to destory Surpenterra. It was smart to have Animus give Cole the bike before hand to set this up.

Maybe the Machine Generals didn't do as good a job as they thought with rebuilding the zord. Since it was vunerable enough for a bike to destory it. Even if it was from a god.

Exactly since they were likely going to be shooting original footage for Animus anyway due to him fighting against Master Org in a Giant battle and on top of which they added Predazord into the mix.

yea it would have been made sense in regards to the Wild Force Rider being powerful since it was a gift from Animus, a God so it was a smart move in that case.

That's possible in the case of Serpentera, we could reason that it was in bad shape since it wasn't as huge as it usually was in Dairanger footage.

12/22/14, 06:46 PM
Plus Surpenterra used to always have that power drain problem. Its unclear if that was fixed

12/23/14, 07:32 AM
true but the Neo Plutonium Reactor was supposedly the fix to that energy issue.

12/23/14, 10:55 AM
Maybe the reactor wasn't as good as they thought.

12/23/14, 11:58 AM
thing is Neo Plutonium was the same thing that the Machine Empire used in order to create an invincible armor for his machines which made it impossible for even the Rangers to make a dent against Silo which meant they needed to use the Super Zeozords that Trey had just given them.

12/23/14, 06:15 PM
Thats true I guess its time for me to watch "Forever Red " again.

Sentai Is Forever
12/23/14, 06:16 PM
I would have liked it better if they adapted the Sentai team up more closely.

Outer Sailor
12/23/14, 06:19 PM
I think Jason should have sarcificed himself to save Cole and destory Surpenterra. Would have made things dramatic.

Todd Oliver
12/23/14, 06:23 PM
Humm sounds pretty cool. But maybe have him save Tommy instead. Due to their friendship.