View Full Version : "Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun"

Everyone Loves Rocky
12/22/14, 10:39 PM
As a Rocky fan I hated this episode. It really undercut Rocky and made him lose a lot of credibility. They debuted him as a strong character and than had him act like a good. This isn't a storyline they would have given Jason. I feel like the sabatoged Rocky here. This kinda of stuff led to him being demoted in Zeo. Its a shame since he was such a great character that always got the short end of the stick.

Captain Codfish
12/22/14, 10:41 PM
I don't think so. Rocky was never that strong of a character to begin with. That was his problem. Besides he was under an evil spell. Not like he acted like a Jerk on purpose. They actually let him act like a Red Ranger sometimes. Even if he wasn't really a leader. Rocky was much better as Blue.

MMPR Forever
12/22/14, 10:42 PM
I liked the episode I thought it was pretty funny. Rocky was more of a funny character. We already had Tommy. Didn't need another Jason.

Outer Sailor
12/22/14, 10:44 PM
I wasn't a very big fan of MMPR anyway. The Characters just weren't strong enough. Space was the only good early season. Then the show didn't get good until Time Force.

Rocky just sucked. There is a reason why they didn't use him in "Forever Red".

12/22/14, 10:45 PM
It was kind of a weak episode but I think they were still trying to find their footing with the characters. They just had a massive cast change. Not easy for the writers to change on the fly.

Captain Codfish
12/24/14, 11:25 PM
Lets not forget that the cast change was so quick that the writers and producers had to change things on the fly.

12/24/14, 11:42 PM
I liked it.

Then again I liked those weird episodes where the monster turned almost everyone into some random object like pachinko balls or footballs.

And I think a lot of the problem was that like a lot of Season Two episodes they went out of their way to make Tommy the hero even though it was a Rocky focus episode, and they threw in Serpenterra just because he was in the Sentai footage.

No Green Spandex
12/26/14, 01:06 PM
Thats the part that killed it for me. I didn't mind the plot with Rocky though. It was fine for a one episode filler. Plus it let Steve Cardensa play with the character a little.

Todd Oliver
12/26/14, 01:08 PM
I liked Tommy as the bad ass White Ranger. It was a nice reward for fans who suffered through Tommy's power crisis and the prospect of him leaving the show for good. As White Ranger, it was his time to shine.

12/26/14, 01:35 PM
True but I just think if that's what they were going for why not just give Tommy a focus episode, and let this one be about Tommy.

12/26/14, 02:08 PM
As a Rocky fan I hated this episode. It really undercut Rocky and made him lose a lot of credibility. They debuted him as a strong character and than had him act like a good. This isn't a storyline they would have given Jason. I feel like the sabatoged Rocky here. This kinda of stuff led to him being demoted in Zeo. Its a shame since he was such a great character that always got the short end of the stick.
I never saw him as having much credibility to begin with since he, Adam and Aisha were initially just there as "replacement Rangers."
The episode wouldn't have made any difference when it comes down to the whole change of power scenario. He would've been Blue Ranger or Green Ranger one way or the other and it made more sense for him to be Blue Ranger since Tommy was the leader so he became Red Ranger which was 99.6% of the time the leader in Sentai footage and because Black Rangers and Green Rangers tend to be interchangeable that caused Adam, a Black Ranger to become the Green Ranger which meant Rocky was either left to being the Blue Ranger or no longer being a Ranger.

I don't think so. Rocky was never that strong of a character to begin with. That was his problem. Besides he was under an evil spell. Not like he acted like a Jerk on purpose. They actually let him act like a Red Ranger sometimes. Even if he wasn't really a leader. Rocky was much better as Blue.
Very true.

I liked the episode I thought it was pretty funny. Rocky was more of a funny character. We already had Tommy. Didn't need another Jason.
Exactly. Rocky was written to be the comedic character of the group. Tommy was meant to be the serious one since he was the leader.

I wasn't a very big fan of MMPR anyway. The Characters just weren't strong enough. Space was the only good early season. Then the show didn't get good until Time Force.

Rocky just sucked. There is a reason why they didn't use him in "Forever Red".
I disagree with the MMPR characters not being strong enough, some of them were like Jason, Billy, Kimberly, Tommy and of course Kat.

Also you're wrong in the case of Rocky not being in "Forever Red." He was going to be in it one way or the other (regardless of whether Austin came back or not) but Steve was moving at the time and he didn't give any of the crew members his new contact information.
He was written to be working for Tommy as one of his Butlers much like Bulk and Skull were. He wasn't going to be a Ranger unless Austin couldn't return.

It was kind of a weak episode but I think they were still trying to find their footing with the characters. They just had a massive cast change. Not easy for the writers to change on the fly.
Very true. They were still trying to create Adam, Aisha and Rocky on the fly and trying to figure out what to do with them.

Lets not forget that the cast change was so quick that the writers and producers had to change things on the fly.
Exactly they were probably just told about the new characters coming and didn't have much leeway into re-writing scripts that may have had the old characters in them and stuff like that.

I liked it.

Then again I liked those weird episodes where the monster turned almost everyone into some random object like pachinko balls or footballs.

And I think a lot of the problem was that like a lot of Season Two episodes they went out of their way to make Tommy the hero even though it was a Rocky focus episode, and they threw in Serpenterra just because he was in the Sentai footage.
It wasn't in my Top 200 for favorite episodes but it was an interesting episode to say the least.
Unfortunately in a lot of cases they made Tommy the hero because 1. they could because like 90% of the ground footage was American footage anyway and 2. he was a popular character that a lot of kids demanded to return so they wanted to give the kids what THEY wanted.

I liked Tommy as the bad *** White Ranger. It was a nice reward for fans who suffered through Tommy's power crisis and the prospect of him leaving the show for good. As White Ranger, it was his time to shine.
Very true but he personally only had the rest of Season 2 to shine. He was powered down in Season 3 once Ninjor restored his and the others' powers.

True but I just think if that's what they were going for why not just give Tommy a focus episode, and let this one be about Tommy.

They probably felt Tommy had enough 'focused' episodes considering his own evil Green Ranger mini series, his stuff involving the Sword of Power, his stuff involving his power crisis and eventually losing it and of course his stuff involving becoming the White Ranger.

Everyone Loves Rocky
12/27/14, 09:10 PM
Damn! I'm glad they didn't bring Rocky back just to be a butler. The character deserves better than that. He should have been one of the Red Rangers. Rocky being a butler almost would have ruined the episode for me.

Adam White Tiger
12/27/14, 09:14 PM
I always liked "Once A Ranger" better anyway. Since Adam came back. Plus you had a clear reason why all the depowered Rangers had their powers back.

No Green Spandex
12/27/14, 09:15 PM
I was just glad Tommy didn't come back for the millionth time.

Outer Sailor
12/27/14, 09:18 PM
Rocky being the butler would have been funny. His character felt more like a side comic character anyway.

Sailor Danger
12/27/14, 09:23 PM
The episode was just a filler after a few arch every episodes. I think we are reading too much into the Rocky episode.

I think Rocky as Butler would be funny. And I have nothing against him as a character or Ranger. I wouldn't have minded that joke in "Forever Red".

Tommy was always gonna be the star of MMPR season 2. Especially once they had to replace Jason and Zack. But like Matt said he was toned down in season 3.