View Full Version : Who should be leader in Forever Pink?

08/05/15, 07:41 PM
If Power Rangers were to have a Forever Pink, who do you think should be the leader of the Pink Ranger team?

I personally think Jen should lead Forever Pink because she was the leader of the Time Force Rangers.

08/05/15, 09:37 PM
It all depends on the mission but I prefer Jen Kimberly or Karone. It's time to bring AJJ back after eighteen years since the Turbo movie

08/05/15, 11:06 PM
I would go with Karone or Jen since they're the 2 that would be the most suited to lead a team.

08/06/15, 11:55 AM
I don't think Kim should lead just because she was the first. Jen is probably the most qualified. Although they probably would have Kim lead for nostalgia.

08/06/15, 11:56 AM
Kim should diffinitly be the leader. She is smart and was a Ranger first. She is also.the most popular Pink. I would love it if she gave Kat a hard time for stealing her boyfriend.

08/06/15, 12:44 PM
Maybe she won't although Tommy was cute with Kim

Usagi Reborn
08/06/15, 10:37 PM
I'm gonna go with Karone. She had a ton of experience leading when she stil worked for the UAE. I wish she would have used her leadership skills more in Galaxy.

08/07/15, 11:51 AM
^Well I say the Galaxy team was just fine with Leo as leader.

Ginger Snap
08/18/15, 05:03 PM
Kat should be the leader. She had the best leadership capabilities. Jen took her personal problems out on her people too much.