View Full Version : Re-do a Power Rangers Season - Ninja Storm

12/16/15, 09:15 PM
Here's another one.

08/22/16, 07:46 PM
I won't change much of it expect for making the Yellow Wind Ranger a female and do a 2 part Wild Force and Ninja Storm team-up episode. ;)

08/25/16, 09:45 PM
Hexagon has united every Power Rangers team. Shane, Tori , and Dustin are the new Wind Rangers. But they are endanger of losing their powers for not taking their training seriously. Lothor arrives and cripples Hexagon, capturing all the Rangers. Tommy is stuck in a tube like Zordon. The only Rangers left are the Wind Rangers. Who now must defend the earth from Lothor until they can find a way to rescue the other Rangers. The mysterious Thunder Rangers show up as a third faction unaffilated with Hexagon or the Wind Rangers.

Massive Ego
09/05/16, 06:34 PM
Get rid of all the lame jokes and dude diolouge. Make Lothor a serious villain. Don't have more comic relief villians. Don't mKe the Wind Ninja's annoying idiots. Have a real over plot and not some wierd episodic excuse for Nu-MMPR.