View Full Version : Re-do a Power Rangers Season - Samurai

12/16/15, 09:18 PM
Here's one for Samurai.

12/12/16, 08:55 PM
I would expand on the back story to show why the 5 samurai families later hired outsiders to battle against the Nightlocs. I would have Decker be played by an another actor, who would be hopefully an Asian actor. Another change is that the female Red Samurai Ranger would be played by an Asian and be Ji's daughter. ;)

MMPR Forever
12/13/16, 12:15 AM
Just have it take place in Angel Grove with a new group of teens. Drop all the Samurai stuff.

White Tiger Fan
12/13/16, 12:18 AM
I wish they did Amit's treatment. Where the Red Ranger and Deker counterpart are friend until "Deker" finds out he is the descendant of Xandred.

Super Rad
12/13/16, 12:22 AM
The characters needed to be more mature. We needed an American villain. Having Deker be the main villain isn't a bad idea. Since his human form can at least be original. I also would have had more mature storylines. They really had some good stuff to work for in some of the Sentai plots but watered it down heavily with comedy. Samurai just didn't work.

12/13/16, 12:23 AM
Have it be a continuation of RPM in another city.

Adam White Tiger
12/13/16, 12:24 AM
They should have had Adam be the mentor.

Spike Hart
12/13/16, 12:24 AM
I wish Spike ended up being the Sixth Ranger.

Massive Ego
12/13/16, 12:27 AM
It needed to be tottally overhauled. Make Rangers that actually act like young adults. Leave out that idiot Gold Ranger. Replace him with a new character. Downplay the Sentai Villains and have an American Original villain.

Ninja Storm Fan
12/13/16, 12:29 AM
I would have made it a sort of sequel to Ninja Storm. Where Cam connects with his mothers side and leads a band of Samurais. I would have had an American Villain and make him very funny. The teens would all be very topical and witty like the NS Rangers. They would also have real world hobbies.

Lightspeed Zeo
12/13/16, 12:34 AM
I would have made it a sequel to Lightspeed Rescue. The bad guys would have been related to the demons from LR. And the Rangers would be part of a more low key version of Lightspeed.

12/13/16, 12:45 AM
in ancient times ancient Samurai's protected the land from evil spirits with symbol power. Some of these Samurais were corrupted by evil power and turned against the good Samurai. The evil Samurai were sealed away in the Underworld where they were transformed into Nighloks. Whenever the Nighloks woukd escape a new generation of Samurai Worriers would
seal them away. But they would continue to get more powerful every generation.

In the present, the latest generation of Samurai's are gathered together to fight the new Nighlok threat. But the Nighloks have grown to powerful. Bulk arrives as an rep from Hexagon and gives the Worriers morphers to connect there powers to the grid. This allows them to morph into the Samurai Rangers. Bulk also gives them Folding Zords.

A Disgraced Samurai Worrier that was once friends with Jayden joins the Nighloks and becomes half Nighlok. He renames himself Deker. Bulk's son Spike learns symbol power and builds his own morpher. Allowing him to become Gold Ranger.

Saban Fan
12/13/16, 09:40 AM
Samurai should have been the beginning of a new continuing storyline that spanned a few seasons. But I would have called it Megaforce. Gosei recruits five teens to become the Power Rangers. They use the Samurai suits the first season and than switch to the megaforce ones. In the third season they would use the second Megaforce suits.Which would lead to the exciting finalir of the three season arch.

Space Hero
12/13/16, 09:41 AM
I would have went right back into space to successfukky relaunch the franchise.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
12/13/16, 09:42 AM
I think Samurai was always going to be a throwaway season since they only had so much time to produce it.