View Full Version : Why didn't the Rangers fight Dark Spector

Chaos Ranger
09/20/16, 11:25 AM
I was let down when Spector got destroyed by Darkconda. I always thought the Space Rangers would face him in the end.

09/20/16, 11:27 AM
I was too at first. But over the years I have come to apreciate C2D for what it is. And that doesn't bother me anymore. C2D is the best episode of the series imo.

Goldar's Revenge
09/20/16, 11:27 AM
Would have cost more money to film any type of Zord battle. Besides Astronema was always the main villain.

Turbo Guy
09/20/16, 11:28 AM
I'm still trying to figure out why he looked so much like Mailgore.

09/20/16, 05:52 PM
Would have cost more money to film any type of Zord battle.

exactly this is likely the primary reason since we always saw him as a Giant so it would have to be a Giant battle and generally they don't do original zord battles at most we see of zords in original footage is just a few scenes.

Forever Pink
09/20/16, 09:04 PM
Was Mailogore Dark Spector's brother?

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
09/20/16, 09:06 PM
No I think its was just a production thing. Like when the Beatleborg's Suits were used in "Forever Red".

09/20/16, 11:53 PM
Was Mailogore Dark Spector's brother?

I think it's more like a monster race and not really a relative type of thing.

No I think its was just a production thing. Like when the Beatleborg's Suits were used in "Forever Red".

yes it was a production thing as well since I believe they were originally planning on using the Goldgoyle suit for Dark Specter but apparently weren't happy with it for whatever reason.

Captain Codfish
09/21/16, 08:11 AM
I suspect Spector used his shape shifiting power to take Mailgore's form in the beginning. To take advantage of his rep. Overtime Spector drained enough power to become ultra powerful himself.