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VR Master
12/09/16, 12:45 AM
They seemed pretty out of place in the seaso. They were one domensional rich characters in a post apocalyptic PR season. It was just unrealistic for them to be so focused on Summer marrying rich . Even to the point of withholding an artifact the Rangers had to keep away from Venjix. Even shallow characters like themselves would understand the danger Venjix brought. Its likely money wouldn't be of mucb use in Corinth anyway.

12/09/16, 12:47 AM
I liked Summer's flashbacks in the episode. But I agree that the parent's actions in the present were unrealistic.

Captain Codfish
12/09/16, 12:16 PM
Agreed. The back story of Summer's growth was good. But the present stuff with the parents was out of place and made no sense. Why would Summer even humor them about the marriage. They are her parents but they can't hold an object important to Corinth City just because they want her to get married. It would be illegal.

Inner Senshi
12/09/16, 12:18 PM
I liked the episode. It was fun and even the Parents learned there lesson in the end. It was sad that Andrews died.They should have took that part out since its a kids show.

VR Master
12/09/16, 12:20 PM
But the parents just turned at the end for no reason. I get they were proud of there daughter but to totally change in a few minutes is weak.

Yellow Fan Forever
12/09/16, 12:21 PM
Summer was a very interesting Yellow Ranger with an interesting backstory.

A Gia To Remember
12/09/16, 07:31 PM
I know , Summer's parents weren't very likeable at all.

Massive Ego
12/09/16, 10:41 PM
This was one of Eddie's weaker episodes. They really made Summer seem stuck up. The rest of the Ranger episodes were great though.

12/09/16, 10:46 PM
See I never got why people claimed it made her look stuck up at the time. The whole point was that she wasn't that person anymore. Its really a good lesson in showing that some people aren't what they seem on the inside. Andrews saw who Summer truely was. The stuck up girl was just a facade. The parents were over the top sterotypical rich though.

Lightspeed Omega
12/09/16, 10:48 PM
The episode would have worked better if Summer's parents were dead and Chaz's family were the ones making Summer honor her arranged marriage to get the jewel that would have been from there family. Something passed on to the female matriarch to daughter or daughter in law.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/09/16, 10:52 PM
Summers parents were deluded because they lived in a bubble all there lives. But it was also due to them being in shock. It was a combination of both that had them in denial of the horrible situation they were in. So they resorted to there normal behaviors to cope. Getting there money back was the only thing they could control. Its likely Chaz's family lied about a lot of there wealth too. Its doubtful most of the refugees were able to take a lot of there wealth with them.

Summer Is Rich
12/09/16, 10:55 PM
Summer's parents were something else. Summer's backstory was great though.

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/09/16, 11:02 PM
RPM is so overrated! It wasn't really that dark. It was actually pretty campy most of the time. The second half took away anything interesting from the first half introduced. RPM was far from a Lost Galaxy.

Massive Ego
12/09/16, 11:06 PM
The first half was mostly great. And was really narrative genius on Eddie's part. The whole thing fell apart in the second half which brought the franchise back to the suck its been stuck in since Wild Force. Its a shame because RPM could have been the first good season in a long while. Not surprised Disney screwed it up.

12/11/16, 12:52 PM
Her parents sure were mean and concieted. I am glad they changed there ways in the end. I liked ilthe Summer back story. It made her feel more like a person.

Smarty Pants Rose
12/11/16, 12:55 PM
I don't think her parents were ever really bad. They were just deluded and out of touch. So bad that a near apocalypse didn't bring them out of it. But I think they legitimately thought Summer marrying Chaz was good for her. Afterall, they didn't want there daughter to be without money either. The fact they finally open their eyes is due to their pride in Summer. Which shows just how much she does mean to them. I mean an apocalypse couldn't convince them to change their views but their daughters heroics did. Thats pretty major when you think about it.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/11/16, 01:01 PM
On the front about RPM or Corinth forcing the parents to give up the diamond....This was all part of Doctor K's plan. She knew she could lure out Venjix's forces this way. And the diamond was still there for them to take if they ultimately had too. This is why Summer finds out about Tenaya so easily. All the Rangers knew to look for trouble and expected to find it.

SPD Emergency
12/11/16, 03:51 PM
Summer was a lot like Sydney but more spoiled. Before her transformation. She is completely different during RPM.

Time Arrow
12/12/16, 12:14 PM
Summer's parents diffinitly should have been arrested for their behavior. They put the city in danger of attack and destruction.

Mitchell's Navy
12/12/16, 05:25 PM
The whole thing was pretty silly. Which is funny since the stuff with Summer and Andrews was among the darkest things the show ever did.

Super Rad
12/12/16, 06:05 PM
Summer's parents were pretty dumb. The only good part of the episode was the scene where Andrew dies after saying goodbye to Summer. Such a sad scene....

Zordon's Legacy
12/12/16, 06:36 PM
Summer's parents were out of place for a show like RPM.

Saban Fan
12/13/16, 09:44 AM
I think they were fine. They needed them to balance out the serious subjecct matter in the episode.

Space Hero
12/13/16, 09:46 AM
I wish RPM.would have dealt with how the rest of the universe was reacting to Earth's situation.

Vypra's Monster
12/19/16, 04:46 PM
The parents were extremely delusional and deserved to be arrested for endangering Corinth. I also didn't by themn hanging there ways so quickly. They probably his realized they couldn't control Summer anymore and tried to save face. Its likely Chaz's family won't benefit too much from their money anyway.

Time Force Traitor
12/20/16, 01:05 PM
They did seem out of place for the season. Not to mention a post apocalyptic city. Its also unlikely hat so many of Summer's friends and family would have survived Venjix's near destruction of the world.

Superhero Galaxy
12/20/16, 01:22 PM
Summer didn't really have any reason to even humor her parents. And this is a rare case where respecting your parents is secondary. Since the city and human race were at stake. Summer had the morale high ground anyway.

Lion Tamer Org
12/20/16, 02:20 PM
I'm surprised Colonel Truman didn't just threaten to arrest them unless they gave up the jewel.

Summer Is Rich
12/20/16, 04:59 PM
I'm surprised Colonel Truman didn't just threaten to arrest them unless they gave up the jewel.

Good point, Truman should have done that.

Hexagon Ranger
12/21/16, 12:39 PM
They must have been expensive donors to RPM's version of Hexagon. Thats why they were protected. And also why it sas dangerous for them to have no money. The diamond was there last bargining chip.

Samurai Mentor
12/21/16, 06:35 PM
I think they were just clueless. Just because the world is ending, it doesn't mean there still aren't some stupid people. At least they learned their lesson.

Rita's Pita
12/21/16, 09:15 PM
They were a bunch of snobs. I didn't like them. They used there own daughter to try to make more money.

Red Spandex Forever
12/21/16, 09:42 PM
It was a little odd. But every season has a few weird episode.

Dic Dubber
12/22/16, 12:16 PM
I really liked the episode. It was cute and fun..It was good to see an episode like this in the overly dark RPM. It set the tone for the rest of the series thst rightly toned down the dark. Summer's parents were annoying but it was part of the story of the episode.

Green Scorpion Ranger
12/22/16, 09:51 PM
I wonder if the Landsdowns are rich in the PRU too?

Galaxy Forever
12/23/16, 11:58 PM
Summer's Parents were just there to contrast Summer from what she was to what she now is.

12/24/16, 12:05 PM
The apocalypse can do strange things to people. It can bring oit our the best or the worst. In the beginning it brought out the worst in her parents. But thanks to Summer they became better people.