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View Full Version : Why did Lightspeed Recruit Civilians

01/02/17, 11:24 PM
Dana made sense and I could even understand Carter. But why did Lightspeed create a team of civilians? Wouldn't it have made more sense to train a military team?

Ashley Andros
01/02/17, 11:58 PM
That was pretty odd since Lightspeed was a military organization. If They were the best canidates wouldn't they recruit and train them well in advance?

Hexagon Ranger
01/03/17, 12:02 AM
Most likely Hexagon selected them. Who were behind Lightspeed anyway. Tommy would believe in civlian Rangers. Since his team were teenage civilians.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
01/03/17, 12:11 AM
Its pretty stupid Dana wasn't the leader over Carter.

Dark Specter's Revenge
01/03/17, 12:18 AM
Lightspeed did a lot of weird things.

Space Nerd
01/03/17, 12:19 AM
It was funny because they could have just hired the Space Rangers.

Ranger Master
01/03/17, 12:21 AM
The Space Rangers mission was to protect against alien invaders. Lightspeed was created solely to deal with the demons. Most Ranger teams became specialized after Space. It was part of Zordons plan before his death and later part of Hexagon's end game.

Doctor Dana
01/03/17, 12:22 AM
I do agree that Dana should have been leader. But it is odd Mitchell never told her she was going to be part of the project.

Jen's Revenge
01/03/17, 12:23 AM
Dana should have been the leader. But they ended up messing up the strong character we saw in the first episode.

Inner Senshi
01/03/17, 12:25 AM
I like that the Rangers weren't official military. They would have been boring otherwise.

MMPR Forever
01/03/17, 12:27 AM
I would have liked it better if they used teenagers.

01/03/17, 03:10 PM
Power Rangers should always be about teenagers with attitude.

Space Hero
01/04/17, 10:58 PM
They should have just used military personal. They could have been recruited fro. other branches.

Eye Guy
01/08/17, 06:42 PM
They weren't just civilians. They each had select talents and expertise that made them the best candidates for the Lightspeed Powers. Remember Lightspeed was a Rescue Team.

True Blue
01/08/17, 11:51 PM
Good point. The Rangers were highly trained professionals for the most part. Especially Carter and Dana.

Hexagon Ranger
01/09/17, 06:07 PM
Hexagon made sure Lightspeed picked the right civlians. Which is actually pretty common for the Ranger teams we have seen. Once they joined Lightspeed they were trained like military anyway.

Digimon Ranger
01/09/17, 08:57 PM
This was very odd. And really is hard to explain. Other than plot convenience of course.

01/09/17, 09:07 PM
They wanted Rangers that could not think outside of the box and not 100 percent from a military background.

Crazy Ranger
01/09/17, 10:05 PM
Mitchell used his resources with Lightspeed to secretly train all five. They just didn't realize it.

Jen's Revenge
01/09/17, 10:47 PM
Carter was a firefighter and was made for Lightspeed Red. Dana was a paramedic and was part of Lightspeed's Military anyway. Chad had a background with Water. Joel and Kelsey were a stretch. But Joel was a great pilot and Kelsey had the crazy instinct.

Destiny Defeated
01/09/17, 10:58 PM
They were more interesting in having highly trained personal. Its just too bad there characters were mostly underwhelming. You have to give it to them for being the first Ranger team to formally train like soldiers.

Kameron Poe
01/10/17, 12:55 PM
Once they joined Lightspeed they were no longer civilians. Mitchell had them trained boot camp style and help them to the same standards he expected from Officers.

Mitchell's Navy
01/10/17, 06:15 PM
Mitchell spent a lot of time researching their potential and did comprehensively train them. I think it had to do with who could physically handle the powers. A more extreme example of this is the Titanium Powers, which only Ryan could handle.

Gold Ranger In Danger
01/11/17, 12:27 PM
I suppose you could say its whack when any mentor recruits civilians. Zordon choosing teenagers is even more crazy than Lightspeed going with civilians.

No Green Spandex
01/11/17, 12:28 PM
Especially in real life where its hard to get teenagers to do anything.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
01/11/17, 12:29 PM
Zordon chose teenagers because they are easier to manipulate and can be easy replaced if they are no longer convenient.

MMPR Forever
01/11/17, 12:31 PM
But the MMPR teens were special, thats why Zordon used them. Well except for Kat, but even Zordon isn't perfect.

01/11/17, 12:32 PM
Hard to believe he would be so niave to allow an evil Ranger to be on the team. I mean at least with Kim she is such a good person you could see how she believed Kat"s lies. But Zordon would be much more experienced and wise.

Samurai Forever
01/11/17, 12:35 PM
Kat was.very special. too She wasn't evil , she was free of Rita's spell. Kim was wise to recruit her since she was a Great Ranger.

Inner Senshi
01/11/17, 12:35 PM
I like all the Power Rangers. Kimberly was better but Kat wasn't evil.

Ranger Master
01/11/17, 12:37 PM
Zordon was too affraid adults would find out his true agenda or would just be too hard to control. Even some teens were hard for him to control as it was. Thats why so many of the MMPR Rangers were manipulated into leaving (with them thinking it was on their own terms).

Time Force Rules
01/11/17, 06:49 PM
This is why I like how the Time Force Rangers...All were trained beforehand and Wes only got the morpher because of the dna lock.

I Love Lothor
01/12/17, 12:31 PM
I hated the military setting, it was hard for the Rangers to be funny.