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View Full Version : Brody the Sleeper Agent

Ranger Hero
02/11/17, 11:40 AM
Wouldn't it be cool if Brody was a sleeper agent for the Galaxy Worriers? Meant to find Aiden....And activate to eliminate or capture him.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
02/11/17, 11:44 AM
This actually isn't a far fetched senario. Bordy shouldn't have been able to cop so well spending his childhood as a slave to the guys that may have killed his father. There was also little reason for Galavanx to keep Brody around in such good condition. Using him to track down Aiden would be smart. Brody probably would have come around to the GW way of thinking or have been easily brainwashed. Once they made him a sleeper they just erased his memories and created the fake Brody personality.

02/12/17, 10:27 AM
This idea woumd be awesome! It would give them a chance to do what they should have done with Rangerblack.

Polly Want A Megazord
02/12/17, 01:01 PM
I don't see this as the direction they are heading.

Massive Ego
03/28/17, 08:19 PM
The writers aren't smart enough. And niether is Brody.

Inner Senshi
04/09/17, 12:41 PM
You won't see a plot like that in a kids show.

Kody's Pride
04/24/17, 08:37 PM
None of that was ever going to happen. Brody was never going to have PSD either.

Inner Senshi
04/24/17, 09:09 PM
I hope he gets his father back because it would be sad if he didn't. Aiden will probably come back first though.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
04/29/17, 12:10 PM
I don't think this is the type of story telling they are goinf for. And if anyone was a sleeper ir would be the new Gold Ranger. But I doubt they will do that.