View Full Version : Hang On, Greymon! The Rise of Shoutmon DX Episode Discussion

03/13/15, 10:30 PM
Here's the discussion thread for this Sunday's second new episode.

05/16/15, 09:27 PM
Greymon is still a prisoner of the big bad. It seem that a legendary white Lapmon could have the power to destroy him. So, the Fusion Fighters go in search for him. When they got there,they couldn't find him. It turn out that the White Lapmon is a Lapmon who gave his life to save his friends. We also get a new fused Digimon known as Shoutmon DX. With the White Lapmon's help, this new fused Digimon was able to destroy the big bad. It was a pity that it cost the life of all the Lapmon. After seeing it, I has to post that I like it. :D