View Full Version : The Fall of Eltar

Lord Zedd
01/30/17, 05:14 PM
Do you think the new movie will deal with Zordon fleeing Eltar and Rita being sent by Zedd to persue him?

01/30/17, 10:22 PM
Too bad it wouldn't be in continuity with our PR.

Bratty Katty
01/30/17, 10:40 PM
That would actually be cool to see. I doubt we get that though.

01/30/17, 10:48 PM
This would make a lot of sense for the new backstory and make Lord Zedd bad ass.

01/31/17, 10:45 PM
They are going to be too cheap to show anything like that in the new movie. Even with a movie budget. Saban will teach Lionsgate how to be cheap.

Space Hero
01/31/17, 10:50 PM
It would make up for not seeing the fall of Eltar on the show. Even if it wouldn't be in continuity.

Red Spandex Forever
02/01/17, 12:14 PM
We don't even know if Zordon will be from Eltar. Or what Zedd will be up to.

Space Seasons
02/01/17, 12:16 PM
I hope we get a good Space Battle in the beginning, at least.

Bratty Katty
02/01/17, 12:18 PM
If anything it will just be mentioned not really shown. And thats if it even is part of the backstory.

Captain Codfish
02/01/17, 10:36 PM
It would be more likely that Zedd would have destroyed Eltar.

Adam White Tiger
02/01/17, 10:43 PM
Maybe Adam can be the son of Zordon in this continuity? To preserve the Eltarian line.

Ocean Of Revenge
02/02/17, 12:09 PM
Seeing the fall Eltar would be very cool. I wish we could have saw it on the TV show.

Captain Mutiny
02/02/17, 12:12 PM
Adam is not going to be in this movie. And would only be added to the film franchise if they have to replace the actor who pays the new Zack. Having him be Zordon's son and saivor of the team is unlikely too.

Tommy Hater
02/02/17, 12:15 PM
Why would we want Adam to be rewritten like that? It would make him the new Tommy. Power Rangers should all get equal focus.

SPD Emergency
02/02/17, 12:17 PM
it would be cool to get SPD referenced in there but that is probably too much to expect for the first film.

Massive Ego
02/02/17, 12:20 PM
Anything after Wild Force shouldn't be adapted. Since NInja Storm to present has been terrible save for the first half of RPM. Which would make one hell of a twrminator movie by the way.

02/05/17, 12:35 PM
Eltar should be shown in either the Movie or TV universe someday. I suppose a comic appearance would do.

Super Cena
02/06/17, 08:59 PM
Do you guys think the Eltar in the PRU was rebuilt?

Changeman Returns
02/06/17, 09:01 PM
I hope they at least adopt something close to the backstory of Zyuranger.

Green With Envy
02/06/17, 09:37 PM
I wonder if the new Tommy will be half Eltarian?

Cassidy Casablancas
02/06/17, 09:44 PM
I always thought Eltar was a little overrated. We don't know much about it and its just where Zordon happens to be from.