View Full Version : Day 20 - Fave Zord

06/20/17, 12:11 AM
Here's the "Favorite" thread for today and in the case of a zord as long as it's an individual zord and it's not part of a configuration then it would be counted so no Battle Modes or Megazords in this list but zords such as Titanus, Tor, the Warrior Wheel and Artillatron would count.

06/25/17, 12:33 PM
MMPR = Tigerzord, Shogunzords
Turbo = Rescuezords
Mystic Force = Catastros
Dino Charge = Titanozord
Ninja Steel = nothing at the moment

Hexagon Ranger
07/03/17, 01:00 PM

08/30/17, 08:34 AM
I guess my top three would be,

1) Red Dragon Thunderzord
2) Dragonzord
3) Serpenterra