View Full Version : I REALLY hate to say this. . .(concerning WF)

06/08/02, 01:54 PM
Today's WF episode at least made the overall story a bit more interesting, with the Org master being human and a possible relative of Cole's. Heck, maybe Jindrax and the chick (forget the name) are Cole's parents transformed with no memory. . .who knows. . .but the story has finally made a turn for the better, and we all know how hard that is for me to say, seeing I hate this season lol. I do wish the acting would improve, but at the same time I can't totally blame the actors, they have some lame dialogue to work with. Next week's ep. looks pretty lame though. . .bowling?! Why didn't they just move away from the giant ball that was rolling towards them?! AHHHHHH. . .

06/08/02, 09:09 PM
Master Org is not related to Cole. He is a collegue of Cole's parents.

06/14/02, 03:12 AM
i agree with PA above. Also IF Jindrax & Toxica were coles parents how were their races changed? Or toxica anyway. She is asian, & we know that Cole's mom is not.

06/14/02, 06:34 AM
You know what though.. It was interesting how the last we seen of Cole's parents were them being wrapped up in vines. And what has happened in the past episode "Secrets And Lies" where Master Org wrapped Jindrax and Toxica up in their vines..? They evolve.. Hmm.. This could be an arguement FOR them being Cole's parents, but I still don't think they are.

~Iron Bison~