View Full Version : White Dino Ranger

02/26/04, 01:01 PM
Do you think Trent will end up neing the white dino ranger or will it be some one else( Devin,Cassidy, or someone new)?

I think it will end up being Trent but I would like to see Cassidy in the role.

02/26/04, 01:46 PM
I don't think Cassidy will. Its most likely Devin or Trent. Its hard to know right now. Let's wait for awhile. DT just started you know...:p

Crystal Ranger
03/14/04, 04:09 PM
I thnk its save to say that its going to be Trent. Since he's now added to the credits. Plus in the press relese he had a rich Uncle, which is now his farther, that he wanted to gain the aprroval of. My bet is he either know or finds out. Which would mean that someone would either find a White Dino Gem or the Ranger power is jsut created. He then assumes the power in order to defeat the Power rangers and gain the praise of his farther. It fails for one reason or antoehr and trent joins the other Rangers to make the Dino Tunder RAngers a group of five at last.

That's just my theory.

03/14/04, 06:09 PM
Since is on the opening theme, its most likely will be Trent for sure. Thank god Devin won't be.

Why is Haley not in the opening theme if she is the Rangers advisors?

Crystal Ranger
03/17/04, 08:57 PM
TRue, but you never know. If TR is the sixth Ranger they may make it him. Although I don't see how they'd work that.