View Full Version : Who's the best fighter?

05/16/14, 09:30 AM
When unmorphed, who is the best fighter?

05/16/14, 09:31 AM
I would say Tommy cause as the series' go on the unmorphed fighters get worse and worse and Tommy was better than all the Power Rangers when he was evil.

Power Rangers Fury Fighters

05/16/14, 09:32 AM
do you think your sig is big enough? Geez.

Oh, and Adam is the best fighter IMO.

05/16/14, 09:32 AM
i chose eric, but i was torn betwen him and adam.

symbolic agony
05/16/14, 09:33 AM
I would take Wes off the list. He was nothing special in fighing ability. All the other guys would be a tough call. They were all good but all were good in different ways so I won't choose on of the four.

05/16/14, 09:34 AM
Eric is the best fighter!

05/16/14, 09:34 AM
Same here Quantum.

psychic ranger
05/16/14, 09:35 AM
Tommy he took on Goldar when unmorph or Adam