View Full Version : The climax to the original mmpr movie

10/08/16, 07:13 PM
Anyone else disapointed by the ending? It was played for too much comedy with the spot of the Megazord kicking Ivan where it hurts. Seemed out of place for the big finish.

Usagi Reborn
10/09/16, 10:29 AM
Yeah, it was pretty wierd. The rest of the movie was pretty good. I get having the comet destroy Ooze but they shouldn't have added comedy to that. There was plenty of comedy in the movie anyway.

Space Seasons
10/09/16, 10:31 AM
The movie is so overrated its not funny.

Rita's Pita
10/09/16, 10:32 AM
I loved it! It was supposed to be a funny scene. Ooze was such a fun villain.

Massive Ego
10/09/16, 05:00 PM
It was really dumb. The movie is okay. But that part was just asinine

Yellow Fan Forever
10/09/16, 05:03 PM
I liked it at the time. Hasn't aged well though. It doesn't ruin the movie for me. I guess they didn't want the predictable ending that we usually got on the show.

MMPR Forever
10/09/16, 06:26 PM
I don't have a problem with it at all. It was very MMPR. They couldn't get too violent about it. So they decided to make it funny.

10/09/16, 06:27 PM
Yeah some people just take things too seriously. There isn't much to complain about it the MMPR era. There is Kat, but she didn't finish stealing Kimberly until Zeo.

Captain Mutiny
10/09/16, 06:28 PM
It doesn't make the movie bad. It is possible to have some bad in a good movie. In fact, its unlikely any movie is flawless. Even movies that are five stars. Its all subjective anyway.

10/09/16, 07:40 PM
Anyone else disapointed by the ending? It was played for too much comedy with the spot of the Megazord kicking Ivan where it hurts. Seemed out of place for the big finish.

I found the ending funny which technically fits since Ivan Ooze was kind of a comedic villain especially due to his 1-liners in the Command Center but I thought his ending wasn't very appropriate for someone that was supposed to be powerful and so feared.

Captain Codfish
10/09/16, 07:47 PM
The MMPR movie was good for its time. And defiantly a step up production wise from the show. But there is a lot that doesn't work today. This is one of those things. But we have to remember the crew on the movie was new to PR. So they were doing their own thing. The Turbo movie had a much better finish.

Kimmy Repulsa
10/12/16, 11:54 PM
I was disappointed they didn't finish him off with their sword or the fists of the Ninja Megazord. Having a button to kick Ivan down under was too over the top for the final blow.