View Full Version : Keeping Sentai Stuff

10/17/16, 08:14 PM
Now I don't mean the actual suits but I actually mean the actual plots of either just a single episode, of multiple episodes or even the majority of the season.

How do you feel when Power Rangers does this?

I personally don't like it when they do the seasonal stuff but I'm fine with it when they do it for only a few episodes in a season.

10/17/16, 09:33 PM
If its good I don't mind. I don't think they should just copy Sentai just to copy Sentai. And they should create original plots where it makes sense and can be done. But if something happened in the Sentai that is adapted well in the American version , I don't mind.

Power Rangers Forever
10/17/16, 09:34 PM
I agree. My Power Rangers Snob name is more of a joke to combat the self proclaimed Sentai Snobs around here. I have no problem against Sentai. But strongly opposed to adapted it for no reason but because the Sentai did it.

Time Force Traitor
10/17/16, 09:37 PM
I liked a lot of the stuff they brought over from Timeranger. It helped to make Time Force one of the best seasons. But there was some good original stuff too. So I like whatever is best as well.

Destiny Defeated
10/17/16, 09:38 PM
Its great when you get stuff like Timeranger to Time Force... But when you adapt Gaoranger into Wild Force it doesn't turn out so good. The only thing saving that season was the original Master Org plot.

MMPR Forever
10/17/16, 09:41 PM
They always seem to get too serious when they adapt Sentai. So I don't like it. They adapted Turbo and it was funny....But too whacky to live up to MMPR. MMPR was so amazing because it was mostly original. Season 1 had a lot of sentai but it was done just right. It was such a great adaption and still did a ton of original stuff.

Goldar's Revenge
10/17/16, 09:43 PM
Power Rangers isn't Sentai. I tend to like the seasons where they don't slave to Sentai. Sometimes the Sentai plots just don't translate well to the US. Mostly due to differences in culture. That doesn't mean you can't ever import a plot. It just has to be done well and feel like PR.

Massive Ego
10/17/16, 09:46 PM
The problem isn't adapting Sentai. Its just they don't have the right writers to adapt it right now. Back in the old days the old writers did it right.

10/17/16, 11:09 PM
I think it depends sometimes I like it when the do their own stuff, and sometimes I wish they'd use stuff from the Sentai.

For instance I like that Season 1 has a different story then Zyuranger but at the same time I wish they made Lokar Rita's boss, and had it where Rita only became evil because her son died.

MMPR White
10/17/16, 11:43 PM
That would be a good reboot for Power Rangers season 1. I don't think any of that will be in the new movie though.

10/17/16, 11:46 PM
That would be a good reboot for Power Rangers season 1. I don't think any of that will be in the new movie though.

Thanks I actually wrote a fanfic where that happened.

10/18/16, 03:44 AM
I liked a lot of the stuff they brought over from Timeranger. It helped to make Time Force one of the best seasons. But there was some good original stuff too. So I like whatever is best as well.

exactly Time Force did things right for most of the season granted Gluto was pretty much useless for a villain but we got one of the greatest villains in Ransik instead of having Gluto as big bad.

Its great when you get stuff like Timeranger to Time Force... But when you adapt Gaoranger into Wild Force it doesn't turn out so good. The only thing saving that season was the original Master Org plot.

I don't think Wild Force is bad maybe some of the actors were bad but definitely not the show or the story itself. I wasn't a fan of the actor they chose for Master Org but Viktor Adler's story was such an awesome story since it's not very often where you see a human actually become a monster just out of pure jealousy.

Power Rangers isn't Sentai. I tend to like the seasons where they don't slave to Sentai. Sometimes the Sentai plots just don't translate well to the US. Mostly due to differences in culture. That doesn't mean you can't ever import a plot. It just has to be done well and feel like PR.

I agree that Power Rangers isn't Sentai and I do tend to like the seasons better when they don't slave to the Sentai but technically a lot of seasons still do. Space was technically original but they had a good batch of episodes that were basically Megaranger with Power Rangers elements, same thing with Galaxy.

The problem isn't adapting Sentai. Its just they don't have the right writers to adapt it right now. Back in the old days the old writers did it right.

I do agree that you do need to have the right writers for that and we definitely have a good writer for that in Judd Lynn.

I think it depends sometimes I like it when the do their own stuff, and sometimes I wish they'd use stuff from the Sentai.

For instance I like that Season 1 has a different story then Zyuranger but at the same time I wish they made Lokar Rita's boss, and had it where Rita only became evil because her son died.

No doubt on both counts.

I personally like the idea that they did in the show that Lokar was just one of Rita's allies and wasn't her Boss like in Zyuranger it made things more interesting once we saw Lord Zedd in Season 2 in a form that no Sentai fan saw.

10/18/16, 11:30 AM
It actually would have made sense to have Zedd be Lokar's original form. Since they were voiced by the same actor.

Ninja Kat
10/23/16, 11:28 AM
I don't care as long as its good.

10/24/16, 08:23 PM
Sometimes Sentai makes Power Rangers feel less fun. MMPR and some of the early seasons were so good because they did there own thing and kept the PR formula. Some of the later seasons have strayed from it partly because of Sentai.

Goldar's Revenge
10/24/16, 08:54 PM
Power Rangers should never rely on Sentai for no reason at all. Everything should make sense. And the writers can't be afraid to take the show in its own direction. The producers get into trouble when they try to aim Power Rangers to high and can't deliver. So you really have to be conscious of the Sentai Footage and know how to adapt it into PR. Judd and Sloan seem to understand this the best out of anyone. Kalish operated under the false assumption that his job was to translate Sentai. Tzachor did it because he thought like a producer an believed he needed to do it to be cost effective. There has to be a better middle way though. Which Judd and Sloan usually seem to find.

Ginger Snap
10/24/16, 09:36 PM
I don't know about Sentai so I can't really tell. So I have to rely on you guys I guess.

Captain Mutiny
10/24/16, 10:17 PM
Its really not an either or. Its how they adapt it. Power Rangers can take the best of Sentai and the best of their original ideas...While making them work together financially. That is Power Rangers at its core.

Tommy Angel
10/24/16, 10:26 PM
The Sentai Stuff should always be used for Power Rangers benefit. The Sentai Story-lines don't matter.