View Full Version : Lothor should come back

I Love Lothor
01/14/17, 12:50 PM
He was only reduced into his genetic material in DinoThunder. He should be able to return. I was surprised they didn't have him become the main villain for the rest of. DinoThunder

Massive Ego
01/14/17, 12:51 PM
Thankfully , even if he could be brought back....The island was destroyed with his material on it.

Cameron Sensei
01/14/17, 12:52 PM
I would loved to see him come back so we could see a Ninja Storm reunion.

Massive Ego
01/14/17, 12:53 PM
Yes, because I want to relive the season that ruined it all. Much less deal with Lothor and the NS Rangers again. What dimwits!

Ninja Storm Fan
01/14/17, 12:55 PM
Some of us love Ninja Storm and want to see it come back. If I was Saban Brands I wouldnhave brought back Ninja Storm instead of doing Samurai and all these other seasons.

Destiny Defeated
01/14/17, 12:56 PM
They missed there chance to bring him back for the 15th anniversary. It makes no sense to bring him back now so many years later. I do agree there would have been a way to bring him back from his genetic material form.

Massive Ego
01/15/17, 03:58 PM
Lothor was a fool and a moron. Bringing him back would be stupid. Like I basically said above. I would have kept him out of Dino-Thunder too.

Super Cena
01/15/17, 03:59 PM
I really don't see Lothor's "doll form" surviving the destruction of Mesagog's lab.

Mesagog Lives
01/15/17, 04:01 PM
Lothor replacing Mesagog would make no sense. Mesagog was the better villain. Lothor's story was over in the team up.

01/15/17, 04:03 PM
Why replace Mesogog with Lothor in a Dinosuar season? Especially not midway....

Eye Guy
01/15/17, 04:06 PM
Lothor was too humerous for a main villain. They tried at the end of NS to make him more serioud but it was too little too late. His role in the team up was perfect. And it was much better with him not being the true main villain of the season. Lothor should not be brought back again. And who knows if Grant would even want to return for the role.

Ninja Storm Fan
01/15/17, 04:07 PM
I don't see why not. He did a great job and I imagine it was a fun role to play. Just like it was fun to watch.

I Love Lothor
01/15/17, 04:09 PM
I agree. I am actually surprised so many people are so opposed to him returning. I thought he was a fan favorite.

Lothor's Revenge
01/15/17, 04:20 PM
I had to register to respond to this. I am astounded by all the Lothor bashing at this board. Since he is such a great villan.. I would argue he is the best. And certainly among the best. I like him even better than Rita and Zedd. I would also disagree with Lothor not being threatening enough. He was very threatening, thats what makes him so good in the first place. He is the perfect meld of menacing and comedic. A perfect mix for a PR villain

Cameron Sensei
01/15/17, 04:21 PM
He was pretty good overall. I wouldn't say he was the best.

Lothor's Revenge
01/15/17, 04:23 PM
You are welcome to you're opinon as is everyone else. But I would love Lothor to return. It would probably excite me nore than anything could with PR.

Mega Mission
01/15/17, 05:18 PM
Lothor is the best of the newer villains. And among them best all time.

Ransik Lives
01/15/17, 05:20 PM
You guys are talking Aabout Lothor like he is Ransik.

Storm Hater
01/15/17, 05:29 PM
Oh please...Lothor was terrible! He was a joke that was almost a parody of PR villains. Ninja Storm was a terrible season anyway. It was fool of un-needed comedy and terrible dialogue..Not to mention the completely unrelatable characters, that were poorly written to begin with. Cam was just average at best. Not the great character some make him out to be when they try and defend Ninja Storm.

Storm Megazord
01/15/17, 05:30 PM
Thats your opinion. Some of us love Ninja Storm. Even more than we love Power Rangers as a whole..

Tommy Hater
01/15/17, 05:31 PM
See I like Cam. He is a Green Ranger done right. Far better than Tommy.

No Green Spandex
01/15/17, 05:33 PM
Yeah, Cam is Green Spandex I can get behind.

Todd Oliver
01/15/17, 05:35 PM
But you said you like Tommy as Green? Which is odd given your name.

No Green Spandex
01/15/17, 05:39 PM
Yeah, I just like to be complicated. The pun wouldn't have worked if I mentioned White Spandex. Plus the name No White Spandex doesn't sound good to me. Even though I did like Tommy as Green. It is what he is most known for too.

Dino Guts
01/15/17, 05:45 PM
I'd much rather see Mesagog return.He was an awesome villain.

Hexagon Ranger
01/15/17, 06:13 PM
I don't think it's out of the question that Lothor would return..It would make sense to have him return in Ninja Steel.

Captain Mutiny
01/15/17, 08:07 PM
It seemed like he could have came back. But that was out the window once the island was destroyed..

Goldar's Revenge
01/15/17, 08:08 PM
Of course this is the PRU where strange things happen. So the explosion could have theoretically revived Lothor.

01/15/17, 08:20 PM
I felt he could havenl.been .brought back after what Mes did. The explosion could have nixed that. But you could easily come up with a reason for why he escaped the island off screen..Or someone finds his genetic material at the bottom of the ocean.

Digimon Ranger
01/16/17, 01:00 PM
I'm pretty surprise he did come back. Since he is the most memorable villain in recent history. A long with Mesagog anyway. Who seems less plausible for a return.

Massive Ego
01/16/17, 06:33 PM
Let me reiterate that I hate , hate...Lotho!. He should never come back. He is the worst villain ever.

Super Rad
01/16/17, 06:38 PM
Lothor was a disgrace to Power Rangers. Having Mesagog get rid of him like the piece of garbage was the best way to show that characters the door.

Kameron Poe
01/16/17, 06:49 PM
Lothor was just too comical. Bringing him back for the team up was one thing. He does need to be brought back again.