View Full Version : That missle in "Countdown"

02/04/17, 12:00 PM
I love Space and its finalie. But there is one problem I had with "Countdown". The way that planet destroying missle was just conveniently there for Darkconda to use against Specter. Its silly the villains would have that kind of power without using it. And even sillier for Darkconda to be able to just steal it. It also seemed like an all too easy way to defeat Specter. Even if it made a good visual.

02/04/17, 11:42 PM
Its odd that Specter could be taken down so easily. And not even by the Rangers themselves.

Massive Ego
02/04/17, 11:43 PM
Just another case of arrogance bitting evil in the behind.

02/04/17, 11:48 PM
Astronema had no reason to destroy the Earth before the final battle. The Rangers would try to hide if she did that. At least this way she could usually Find the Rangers in one spot.

Goldar's Revenge
02/05/17, 12:18 PM
It was pretty duex ex machinaish but that was part of the appeal of "Countdown".

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
02/05/17, 12:22 PM
Its likely Astronema was planning on using it on Spector after the invasion was over. Wanting to use it against the Earth was just a fake excuse to have it in board without arousing Specter's suspecions. Darkconda just did her a favor by using it for her.

02/05/17, 12:23 PM
Astronema was so devious. She probably figured Darkconda would steak it to betray Specter so she could take power. It just shows how evil and self serving Karone really was.

Super Cena
02/06/17, 05:02 PM
It was odd to have a missle that was that powerful just sitting there. If the UAE had power like that why didn't they use it?

02/06/17, 05:21 PM
It was odd to have a missle that was that powerful just sitting there. If the UAE had power like that why didn't they use it?

it was probably just recently built and Astronema was probably planning on using it as a last resort - perhaps she was hoping to use it on Dark Specter since she had wanted to destroy him but perhaps she was expecting Darkonda to steal it.

Dai Shi
02/06/17, 07:54 PM
I was always disappointed that the Rangers didn't destroy Specter themselves.

Lightspeed Zeo
02/06/17, 07:58 PM
Ita one of the reasons I feel Countdown To Destruction is overrated.. Its full of convient concidences and Dued Ex Machina senarios.

Lightspeed Rescue
02/06/17, 07:59 PM
"Fate of Lightspeed" was much better.

Delta Black
02/06/17, 09:02 PM
It was okay but it doesn't come close to "Countdown" or "Journey".

Sentai Snob
02/06/17, 09:15 PM
I hated all three finales. The Wild Force finale was so much better since it followed Sentai a lot more than the original finales. I don't know why they wasted their time.

Sentai Envy
02/06/17, 09:16 PM
American Sentai makes no sense sometimes.

Dai Shi
02/06/17, 09:17 PM
Finales that stick to close to the Sentai shouldn't be done unless it makes sense for the PR seasons story too.

Lord Zedd
02/06/17, 09:39 PM
I always wished Zedd would have been the big bad and the one who had Astronema abducted. He tried to do something similar with Trini's young neighbor.

Green With Envy
02/06/17, 09:39 PM
And Tommy himself in that very same episode. Even though Tommy was much older.

Space Hero
02/06/17, 09:42 PM
"Fate of Lightspeed" tried but it didn't have the heard of the Space and Galaxy Finales. It just came off as a carbon copy that didn't fit Lightspeed's more bland concept. It also couldn't make up for a mediocre season that set Power Rangers back years.

02/06/17, 09:47 PM
I liked "Countdown" but I agree with the op in that the whole missile stuff was a weak point in the storyline.

Super Zeo Ranger
02/06/17, 09:48 PM
We know you already committed.

02/06/17, 09:48 PM
I know I just wanted to add that point to what I posted before.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
02/06/17, 09:50 PM
The true evil of the UAE's plan was to destroy whole worlds once they conquered the spoils of the major ones. Than remake the universe as they saw fit.