View Full Version : Ranger Black

Ranger Hero
02/12/17, 10:32 AM
Lets face it RPM suffered greatly in the end because they cut Eddie's original ending. The finale and most of the second half of the season came off flat because of all the rushed changes.

Ending the season with Dillon being a sleeper Venjix was the way the story should have ended. With the Rangers being forced to defeat the man that was their friend but never truely was. This ending would have been brilliant and properly finish the story of RPM. Its a shame production issues prevented us from getting this ending.

Polly Want A Megazord
02/12/17, 12:38 PM
I don't really like the idea of RPM ending this way. It would have cheated the viewer of all the time they had invested in Dillon. But we will never know exactly what "Ranger Black " would have been. Since it was never produced.

02/12/17, 01:52 PM
It would have been a terrible episode..I am glad Judd took over and we got the finalie that we did..

White Tiger Fan
02/12/17, 01:53 PM
If they put Amit in charge, he would have found a way to make "Ranger Black " work.

02/12/17, 07:52 PM
This sounds too crazy for me..Unless Dillion ended up helping the Rangers afterall.

02/12/17, 10:55 PM
Lets face it RPM suffered greatly in the end because they cut Eddie's original ending. The finale and most of the second half of the season came off flat because of all the rushed changes.

Ending the season with Dillon being a sleeper Venjix was the way the story should have ended. With the Rangers being forced to defeat the man that was their friend but never truely was. This ending would have been brilliant and properly finish the story of RPM. Its a shame production issues prevented us from getting this ending.

I think you should word things properly. "Ranger Black" was an episode that was Eddie's idea but it never went to the table because he was fired so it couldn't be cut because he never officially wrote it granted I doubt Disney would've approved some of the details that have came out regarding it either way since they were always against evil Rangers. Why do you think Doug had to come up with the White Ranger clone back in Dino Thunder? because Disney didn't like the idea of a Ranger that's supposed to be good fighting for evil.

Captain Mutiny
02/13/17, 02:42 PM
For whats its worth the story at the time was that he would have got away with it.

02/13/17, 06:25 PM
I think you should word things properly. "Ranger Black" was an episode that was Eddie's idea but it never went to the table because he was fired so it couldn't be cut because he never officially wrote it granted I doubt Disney would've approved some of the details that have came out regarding it either way since they were always against evil Rangers. Why do you think Doug had to come up with the White Ranger clone back in Dino Thunder? because Disney didn't like the idea of a Ranger that's supposed to be good fighting for evil.

This is why I think its a little much to go on about "Ranger Black"..Even though RPM flew under the radar it doesn't mean there still wouldn't be changes to RPM. With production in danger of falling behind , Eddie probabky would have had to to change or tweak a lot of his plans.

As sad as it would have been. I do think the critics are too hard on the idea. Since it does make narrative sense in a lot of ways. One thing I like abour RPM was that it tweaked a lot of PR's formula and was the most original series in years. I think it was something pr needed after years of sameness. And of course its hard to bas an episode that was never produced. Much less getting the final draft treatment.

Goldar's Revenge
02/13/17, 06:31 PM
Oh Eddie was going to get away with it. RPM was able to get away with a lot of things because Disney was just playing out the string. Eddie had more creative license then anyone since Doug Sloan. And arguable could still get away with more. The only thing that sunk him was production almost stalling. Which wouldnhave cost money and forced even the apathetic Disney's hand. Why spend more good money after bad at that point? ™If it weren't for this "Ranger Black" likely would have preceeded pretty closely with Eddie' vision.

RPM was better for the production change. Judd riegned things in and made RPM more tolerable as a PR season. Eddie had talent but he tried to change too much too fast. I find RPM to be overrated and an example of why grim dark Power Rangers is less than ideal.

"Ranger Black" may have worked for another franchise. But for a show like Power Rangers, it would have been a disaster. Power Rangers is supposed to be uplifting. The tragady of the Rangers having to defeat a fake friend would have just not been a place Power Rangers could go. Its scary how close it was to happening and how it was almost the last episode.

Massive Ego
02/13/17, 08:42 PM
Its a crime "Ranger Black" was never made. Disney shot themselves in the foot by getting rid of Eddie and not following through with his vision. RPM's first half was the only good half season since Wild Force. RPM could have gone down as an all time great season. But instead its second half dragged it down to mediocrity. PR went right back to sucking under Saban Brands.

"Ranger Black" is the type of episode PR needed and still needs. It would be so much better than any of the lame finale's we have gotten in the modern era. The idea of Dillon being a sleeper and essentially the main villain the whole time would have been amazing. Instead of the lame Andros/Karone rehash Lynn gave us. Not to mention the crappy finale that somehow had Doctor K able to delete Venjix like he was still just a computer program.

But I don't blame Lynn, since he came into a bad situation. I blame Disney for not trying to make it work with Eddie. Who almost was the savior of PR. Even if it would have still be cancelled. At least we would have finally had a great season. Its a shame Saban Brands didn't learn from their mistakes.

Goldar's Revenge
02/13/17, 08:44 PM
Oh please, RPM was not only a bad PR season, it was a failure. The ratings were terrible and the money spent on it was not justified. It was an afterthought by the time Saban Brands got on board and not the direction they wanted. Granted they lost there way for a time going back with the Tzachor approach. But they have smartened up by replacing him with Judd Lynn and a more original approach.

Captain Codfish
02/13/17, 09:13 PM
I really liked the concept for "Ranger Black" as well. Eddie's RPM was better than what we got in the second half. But I wouldn't say the second half was bad. And I agree, Judd did the best he could. I can't blame him for borrowing from Andros and Karone. There wasn't much time to come up with new story-lines and he had no idea what Eddie planned. You usually don't get to consult with the show-runner who was just let go. And if Disney wanted Eddie's RPM the rest of the way, he wouldn't have been fired.

Roman Ranger
02/13/17, 09:24 PM
The whole plot to the episode does seem a little much. I agree the finalie to RPM was a little weird. But "Ranger Black" wasn't the answer.

Captain Codfish
02/16/17, 11:26 PM
I think the episode would have went through a lot of changes if it was produced.

Goldar's Revenge
02/16/17, 11:29 PM
Ordinarily it would have. But it was a perfect storm since Disney was shutting the show down and DinoThundr would have been lame duck.

Lord Drakkon
02/19/17, 11:23 AM
I really liked this concept. Maybe we can explore it in comic book form someday.

02/19/17, 01:16 PM
Oh Eddie was going to get away with it. RPM was able to get away with a lot of things because Disney was just playing out the string. Eddie had more creative license then anyone since Doug Sloan. And arguable could still get away with more. The only thing that sunk him was production almost stalling. Which wouldnhave cost money and forced even the apathetic Disney's hand. Why spend more good money after bad at that point? ™If it weren't for this "Ranger Black" likely would have preceeded pretty closely with Eddie' vision.

RPM was better for the production change. Judd riegned things in and made RPM more tolerable as a PR season. Eddie had talent but he tried to change too much too fast. I find RPM to be overrated and an example of why grim dark Power Rangers is less than ideal.

"Ranger Black" may have worked for another franchise. But for a show like Power Rangers, it would have been a disaster. Power Rangers is supposed to be uplifting. The tragady of the Rangers having to defeat a fake friend would have just not been a place Power Rangers could go. Its scary how close it was to happening and how it was almost the last episode.

you're full of it if you seriously think Disney would have approved "Ranger Black" in its entirely. Yes they gave them a lot more of a creative license but if you seriously think that they were going to approve Ranger Black being a sleeper agent that had infiltrated the Rangers and being one of the final villains that they would have to destroy then you're completely and entirely full of it and you must be pretty drunk to seriously believe it was going to happen 100% in its entirely.

Goldar's Revenge
02/19/17, 04:48 PM
Disney was most hands off with RPM..So its not a stretch to believe "Ranger Black" would have happened if it weren't for Eddie's dismissal..Eddie already got away with killing Marcus and Andrews. Not to mention having a season in a post apocalyptic world where 90 percent of the Earth was killed off. Eddie just sunk himself by falling behind on the scripts. If it wasn't for that he would have got the episode produced.

I am not saying "Ranger Black is good. I think it would have been a terrible Power Rangers episode. And really Eddie's RPM was far overrated.

Revenge of the UAE
02/19/17, 04:51 PM
I don't see what is so bad about the episode. It sounds like it would have been good actually.

02/19/17, 05:32 PM
Disney was most hands off with RPM..So its not a stretch to believe "Ranger Black" would have happened if it weren't for Eddie's dismissal..Eddie already got away with killing Marcus and Andrews. Not to mention having a season in a post apocalyptic world where 90 percent of the Earth was killed off. Eddie just sunk himself by falling behind on the scripts. If it wasn't for that he would have got the episode produced.

I am not saying "Ranger Black is good. I think it would have been a terrible Power Rangers episode. And really Eddie's RPM was far overrated.

doesn't matter how they were with RPM there's no guarantee they would have allowed such a plot. Killing Marcus was technically offscreen which would have been fine in any season. Yes there was the Andrews death but that means squat.

Wild Force got away with killing Cole's Parents and Master Org granted Master Org was no longer a human once he was killed.

There were no deaths in Ninja Storm but we saw the spirits of Hunter and Blake's dead Parents.

No deaths in Dino Thunder BUT Trent had mentioned how he had lost his Parents in a cave-in.

No on-screen deaths but Cruger mentioned how most of his kind were destroyed when Gruumm had attacked his planet.

No on-screen deaths but Niella lost her life during the Great Battle and presumably so did the other wizards.

Tyzonn had mentioned how most of his original team were lost due to a cave-in.

Master Mao was killed on-screen.

Goldar's Revenge
02/19/17, 07:26 PM
Killing people off screen is not the same as killing them on screen. Mao died but took on a spirit form. Cole's parents died due to a special circumstance like Marcus, Andrews, and "Ranger Black" would have been. Marcus and Andrews most likely wouldn't have happened in most other seasons. Neither would "Ranger Black". Almost assuredly. Eddie almost got away with pr creative's version of murder. And as I have said, I am glad "Ranger Black" didn't happen. Its just scary how close it was. It would have been close to franchise destroying.

Inner Senshi
02/19/17, 07:31 PM
It would have been terrible if Dillion ended up being a sleeper Venjix. It would have ruined RPM. Which was already too dark in lot of places.

Disney Ranger
02/19/17, 07:35 PM
I agree with Matt. Disney may have let Eddie have more leeway than normal..But I don't see them allowing "Ranger Black". It would go against everything Disney stands for. Its probably part of the reason why Eddie was dismissed.

Massive Ego
02/20/17, 01:39 PM
One again Disney takes all the fun out of Power Rangers. Too bad Saban Brands has. been just as bad.

Uncle Steve
02/27/17, 08:48 AM
Its just too dark for Power Rangers. Perhaps the concept could have been adapted where Dillion could still be saved. Even if his life was a fake, it didn't mean he couldn't choose his own destiny.

Horror Ranger
02/27/17, 09:33 PM
This would have been such an awesome idea! It is just the kind of dark scary stuff I want Power Rangers to do.

RJ Wolf Ranger
02/27/17, 09:34 PM
The whole thing sounds weird to me. If I didn't know better I would say it was a hoax. But I know it isn't. Its just how odd the idea sounds. Its for the best that Judd took over and we got the ending we got.

Goldar's Revenge
02/27/17, 09:36 PM
It was potentially franchise destroying. It would have been a total jump the shark moment at best.

Captain Mutiny
02/27/17, 09:37 PM
I wouldn't have liked it either. But I don't think it would have been franchise destroying. It would have been forgotten once Saban Brands brought the show back. And we know RPM is supposed to be a AU. It would have ruined the season but not the series.

Continuity Ranger
02/27/17, 09:39 PM
I don't like the ending either. But I also didn't like Judd's ending. The cliffhanger is unacceptable. And then making RPM another dimension in Samurai?

Disney Ranger
02/27/17, 09:41 PM
I just don't see Disney ever allowing this to air. Even if they didn't know about it. I am surprised RPM was allowed to be made post apocalyptic in the first place. I can't fathom why Disney just gave up on the franchise after an otherwise great run?

Saban Fan
02/27/17, 09:41 PM
The franchise was always better of with Saban.

Hexagon Ranger
02/27/17, 09:43 PM
Its just a total shame the Disney invovlement ultimately cost us Hexagon NS.

Lion Tamer Org
02/28/17, 04:19 PM
Not really. It would be been a very bad idea. I don't think it would have done long term damage. But the ending would have hurt RPM.

Smarty Pants Rose
03/12/17, 07:56 PM
The concept for this seems so far fetched. I have a hard time believing that they would have
gone through with this. It would have been heavily revised.

Zeo Power
03/13/17, 04:11 PM
The whole thing sounds like a bad soap oprah.

Trini Fan
03/13/17, 08:19 PM
RPM wasn't very good. But this would have made it the worst season ever. That ending would have been terrible. I can't believe they ever would have released an episode like that. Even if Eddie was still in charge.

Adam White Tiger
03/14/17, 01:20 AM
It would be cool if they somehow had Adam end up leading a team of Rangers from our world to help the RPM Rangers fighting evil Dillion.

Bandora's Ghost
03/14/17, 01:33 AM
I don't see them doing a team up for the finale. I was pretty disappointed with the finale we got. As it seemed pretty convenient on the Rangers were able to defeat Venjix. The whole deletion thing made no sense. Dillon was saved way too easily. The finale didn't hold up to the rest of the season. "Ranger Black" would have been much better and would have matches the greatness of the rest of the season. As well as take the whole season to a new level. It would have made RPM the most well written season of Power Rangers. Instead it falls short because of the finale we got.

White Spandex Rules
03/14/17, 10:53 AM
I can't see them having a Ranger go bad and stay that way. They wouldn't even let Trent stay bad for as long as they originally wanted in DinoThunder.

Bandora's Ghost
03/14/17, 01:21 PM
I think RPM was allowed to get away with a lot more things than DinoThunder. So the episode would have happened close to Eddie's vision.

Knights of Ren
03/15/17, 12:11 PM
This would have made a lot of sense actually. I always though RPM's finale needed more of a kick in the end. This would have done just that.

Diabolico Rising
03/20/17, 04:50 PM
Ive been thinking about this. It seems to dark but I really need to see it. Plus part of me would like a dark ending like that.

Disney Ranger
03/20/17, 04:55 PM
Dark endings just doesn't jive with Disney's vision nor Power Rangers'

Putty On The Brain
03/22/17, 07:12 PM
I'm so glad this episode never got made. It would have been way too dark for Powers Rangers.