View Full Version : Power Rangers Movie Valentines

02/13/17, 02:22 PM
Lionsgate has released Power Rangers Movie style Valentines. A new international poster has been released as well.


Massive Ego
02/13/17, 06:32 PM
Even Power Rangers can't escape the comercialization of Valentine's day.

Goldar's Revenge
02/13/17, 08:52 PM
Good to see them doing tie ins to the movie. I don't see it being enough though. Nor does it give me faith in the movie.

Inner Senshi
02/13/17, 08:56 PM
I love Valentine's Day. Good to see Saban Brands and Lionsgate getting in on the fun.

Captain Codfish
02/13/17, 09:11 PM
This type of thing is pretty common with franchises like Power Rangers. The opportunity to create merchandise is too hard to resist. Especially when that's PR's primary revenue stream.

Roman Ranger
02/13/17, 09:25 PM
Not surprising at all. Might as well make as much money as they can.

02/14/17, 10:25 PM
I am starting to get very excited for the new movie.

Racecar Ronny
02/16/17, 11:15 PM
They have a cool one that shows a pic of Movie Rita as well.

MMPR Forever
02/18/17, 07:48 AM
I still can't get over what a terrible job they are doing with Rita. She looks nothing like the old Rita. if she was supposed to be Scorpina than it would make more sense. Also Rita didn't fight much.

SPD 4ever
02/18/17, 11:54 AM
They should have done an SPD movie. It would do so much better than what this movie is going to do. Does anyone even care about MMPR anymore? It was never that good to begin with.

Captain Mutiny
02/18/17, 11:57 AM
There was an idea Greg had years ago to do a movie that took place in the real world where the actors played themselves. But got swooped into a real adventure GalaxyQuest style.

SPD 4ever
02/18/17, 10:51 PM
That wouldn't have been a true SPD movie. It sounds like a silly parody.

Goldar's Revenge
02/18/17, 10:56 PM
I agree with that part. GalaxyQuest works because it uses a fake show meant to be a parody of the original Star Trek. If they were able to use Star Trek itself, it wouldn't have worked. Just like using a PR cast wouldn't.

Continuity Ranger
02/20/17, 01:33 PM
I just can't get behind a movie that isn't in continuity. Especially since the show is still on the air.

02/20/17, 01:34 PM
Thats what I have been saying!

Delta Black
02/20/17, 01:35 PM
I am fine with two different continuities. Especially since the movie is trying to go beyond the normal demo.

Massive Ego
02/20/17, 01:36 PM
Especially when the show has been terrible for so long.

Super Rad
02/21/17, 01:54 PM
Hopefully the movie changes all that and gives us something to enjoy.

Super Zeo Ranger
02/21/17, 07:44 PM
They should have done an SPD movie. It would do so much better than what this movie is going to do. Does anyone even care about MMPR anymore? It was never that good to begin with.

MMPR is the way to go for better or worse.. SPD or any other incarnation is too obscure.

Space Seasons
02/21/17, 07:45 PM
Yeah its just a shame its probably not true to MMPR in the way that it needs to be.

02/21/17, 07:47 PM
A more serious movie was needed. Especially one involving space.

02/22/17, 12:28 AM
That's too cool! My brother and I are also a fan of Power Rangers. I guess everyone in the family. Good to hear and read about Power Rangers again. It's interesting to know that the run time was confirmed as new poster gathers the fresh faced heroes. We are all excited for the new movie.

02/25/17, 06:34 PM
March 24 is the day. Anyone here booked tickets yet? :mad3:

02/26/17, 12:41 PM
Not yet. Looking forward to it. Even if the hype has me nervous.

Ocean Of Revenge
02/26/17, 10:07 PM
It makes a lot of sense to sell merchandise like this.

Uncle Steve
02/27/17, 08:41 AM
I will enjoy the movie however it does at the box office.