View Full Version : Concern over the movie hype

02/20/17, 10:28 PM
I'm getting concerned about the new movie's chances of success. I am just not sure if the hype is going to be enough for the non fans to check it out. There could be too much market confusion with people who think its a kids movie or just don't care. I am not sure if the latest trailer does a good job giving people a reason to see this.

I hope I am wrong because its a good opportunity for the franchise. Perhaps reviews will help, but I could see this as the type of movie movie reviewers snub their noses at. Its good there isn't much competition in March but you still have to get people in the theater.

Goldar's Revenge
02/20/17, 10:29 PM
The general audience doesn't care about this. And its going to go over the heads of the kids. I don't think the die hard fans are enough to support this. Its going to flop hard.

02/20/17, 10:31 PM
Thats what they get for not sticking to continuity.

No Green Spandex
02/20/17, 10:31 PM
I think its just too early to tell.

Massive Ego
02/20/17, 10:32 PM
I think it has a chance to do very well. It looks like the best thing to come out of this franchise in years.

Movie Ranger
02/20/17, 10:33 PM
I am really looking forward to the movie. i think its going to do great. I don't know what more they have to do for the general audience.

MMPR Forever
02/20/17, 10:34 PM
I just hope the second trailer was enough to save it . Since the first one was way too dark. Of course if it isn't true to MMPR than its better off failing. I wouldn't even be posting this if it weren't for the second trailer. Which gave me at least some hope for a good movie.

02/20/17, 10:36 PM
It reminds me of when Transformers had it's first movie release. No one knew just how well it would do. And really there wasn't much given away in the trailers to attract newcomers. And it ended up doing great. So I think the same thing can happen with the Power Rangers film.

Goldar's Revenge
02/20/17, 10:38 PM
Transformers was a more well establish amd respected brand. PR doesn't have enough of an audience that takes it seriously. The general public doesn't think much of it. Despite its tremendous success as a franchise.

02/20/17, 10:40 PM
Maybe that was true when the first movie came out. But its been years since then. PR has had more time to catch up. And now should have a lot of lapsed fans that are grown ups and ready for a new version of it. Its time for 90s nostalgia on the big screen, just like we had 80s nostalgia. PR is also easier to adapt if you want human leads. Which is a conflict TF has had to deal with.

Captain Mutiny
02/20/17, 10:41 PM
I think the movie is five or ten years too early. I don't think PR is where transformers was. It could be someday. I really hope it does end up being now, since I would hate to have to start over again with yet another film franchise. But I have my doubts.

Captain Codfish
02/20/17, 10:44 PM
I think they have done a great job promoting this thing. The first trailer got people interested and surprised with the Power Rangers twist at the end. The second trailer than embraced that it was Power Rangers and gave us some good character moments. I really think the movie looks good and they have done everything possible to get people hyped. I think the brand will carry things anyway. The movie will be a success!

02/20/17, 10:45 PM
I really do hope its a success and know what it can mean for the brand. I just get the sense that might not happen.

Revenge of the UAE
02/21/17, 01:40 PM
I just hope there is a market for an adult Power Rangers movie.

Space Hero
02/21/17, 01:42 PM
They should have done a Space Movie. The general audience would have related to it better.

Zeo Mega
02/23/17, 11:48 AM
Its always hard to tell until a movie comes out. There have been plenty of surprises and disappointments for various movies over box office performance.

02/26/17, 12:32 PM
Its good to see so many tv ads..But I don't think the latest tv spots are going to interest enough of the general movie audience. If I was a non fan I would be confused if this was supposed to be a kids movie. I could also see where some people would think this is a comedy.

The first trailer did a better job of getting people interested in the premise before revealing it was a trailer for a Power Rangers Movie. The next trailer gave us more character moment. But they were too much in the fun and whimsical side of things. The tv spots that have followed have been like the second trailer. I think there needed to be a more balanced approach. Show the audience that this is not a kids movie but still has its fun parts.

The TV spots are too fast past and make the movie look bad. I know you don't want to give away the plot of the movie in the previews, I just think they needed to show more than they did.

Goldar's Revenge
02/26/17, 12:35 PM
Its because they want the movie to fail. Lionsgate isn't behind the property anymore. The promotion has clearly been uneven. The second trailer took this away from the grim and dark approach of the first one, but still does nothing to get the general audience interested. Of course it doesn help that the designs for the Rangers' suits, Villains, and Zords have been horrible.

Revenge of the UAE
02/26/17, 12:37 PM
I don't think they want the movie to fail. Lionsgate wants a film franchise and openly mentioned this. Saban Brands didn't partner with them for nothing. I do wish the second trailer and tv spots were closer to the tone of the teaser.

Knights of Ren
02/26/17, 12:39 PM
This movie should have been marketed like Guardians of the Galaxy . A movie that was an adventure with a sense of adventure. The previews also made you care about the characters. We don't know enough about the new MMPRs. Guardians was a much more obscure property than Power Rangers and wound up doing huge numbers.

Captain Codfish
02/26/17, 12:48 PM
I don't think the second trailer makes it look like a kid show. Its just showing people that the movie does have some levity and plenty of funness. I am sure the material will take itself more seriously overall.

Massive Ego
02/26/17, 12:49 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Codfish, for once they have done everything right. Of course if the movie ended up being bad I will change my tune.

Yellow Fan Forever
02/26/17, 12:54 PM
I like the new Yellow Ranger's attitude. As much as I like the Trini, the new one needs to be her own character.

Delta Black
02/26/17, 03:55 PM
They probably did go a bit too lighthearted after the first trailer.

Zordon's Legacy
02/26/17, 09:26 PM
I think they have done a great job! I am very excited.

03/05/17, 09:36 PM
I think the mainstream audience is going to be confused if this is a kids movie, comedy or adult action adventure.

03/07/17, 03:58 PM
I did see the second trailer again, and it did come off as better. I think the quick tv spots of it colored my opinion more. I do like the latest Rita spot. I still do have concern with luring in the mainstream audience.

Zordon's Legacy
03/07/17, 05:02 PM
I think the longer second trailer was good. The tv spots don't do it justice. The Rita one is good, hopefully there are more better ones to come.

A Gia To Remember
03/07/17, 05:12 PM
I think the hype has been very strong. I don't see how they could have done a better job.

03/13/17, 07:06 PM
It feels like they don't know if they want to this to be a kids movie or an adult film. I just saw an article where the director mentioned putting a post credits scene in the middle of the credits since younger viewers might not want to wait through the whole credits. So is this pg 13 movie for an older audience or not?

03/13/17, 07:09 PM
Most of the tv spots feel like this. The Rita spot was good but the rest don't do a good job of attracting older fans..The original trailer had a decent feel for this. The second trailer still had enough for the older demo. But the tv spots aren't really doing it justice.

Captain Codfish
03/13/17, 07:11 PM
I admit some of the tv spots could be better. I still think both theatrical trailers were really good. There is definitely a market for a PG:13 movie. I think the strength of the brand will carry this if all else fails.

Gold Robo Knight
03/13/17, 07:13 PM
I don't think they are confused over the target demo. They are trying to make a movie that appeals to adults but still can appeal to kids. Its why this isn't rated R. Plenty of PG: 13 movies are made.to still target children. This has a lot to do with merchandising.