View Full Version : Does the revision count?

02/24/17, 07:57 AM
Does MMPR Revision count as a season?

Goldar's Revenge
02/24/17, 07:59 AM
Officially it was intended to be. But Saban Brands considered Samurai season 18. So that was that thankfully fixed.

MMPR Forever
02/24/17, 08:00 AM
I don't know why they couldn't just re-air MMPR like it was. Instead of adding all those weird effects.

02/24/17, 11:54 AM
I don't count it anymore. Its just a re-edited version of Power Rangers. I don't know why they didn't just save money and air the episodes as they were.

MMPR Supreme
02/24/17, 11:56 AM
That would have made far more sense. They could of aired MMPR Season 1 in its entirety. It was silly then they went on hiatus and showed reruns of the re-vision. They were reruns of reruns.

No Green Spandex
02/24/17, 11:59 AM
I love how putting captions on the screen was supposed to make the putty battles less violent. What a mess that was. At least they didn't make me relive Tommy as White Ranger.

Knights of Ren
02/26/17, 12:43 PM
They were clearly going for the 60s Batman series motif. Who would have thought they'd try to make a camp show more campy lol.

Captain Mutiny
02/26/17, 12:45 PM
It was just a desperate attempt to keep the brand active enough for Toei. They lost interest quickly and it didn't matter once Saban Brands bought the franchise. Who smartly distanced themselves from it and released MMPR in its original form.

Delta Black
02/26/17, 03:53 PM
No its just a remastered version of MMPR season 1.

Zordon's Legacy
02/26/17, 09:26 PM
It really was a huge let down. But we eneded up getting Power Rangers on netflix and new episodes, so it worked out.

Lothor's Revenge
02/26/17, 09:35 PM
I think it's an AU where events similar to the original PRU haplened.

Uncle Steve
02/27/17, 08:45 AM
I don't think so..It was the same PRU. As its just repurposed reruns.

Wesley Smallings
02/28/17, 04:52 PM
I stopped watching the revision. It was just so frustrating to see all those unneeded effects. Especially when I had old MMPR episodes on vhs. Then they actually expected you to watch reruns of the reruns and wait for the "new episodes"? They really made it too complicated for themselves. They could have just aired MMPR as it was over the whole year. No one would have complained about the violence. It would have flew under the radar.

Bratty Katty
03/02/17, 11:13 PM
The revision should never be considered its own season . Its just a remastered version of some season 1 episodes.

Polly Want A Megazord
03/03/17, 09:37 PM
I thought it was a stretch that they tried to make it sound like season 18. I am glad that didn't stick.

Racecar Ronny
03/04/17, 10:44 PM
It wasn't really another season. Just a redone version of part of season 1.

03/05/17, 09:37 PM
I never agreed with the idea that the revision was its own season.

Delta Black
03/06/17, 10:30 PM
I stopped watching the revision. It was just so frustrating to see all those unneeded effects. Especially when I had old MMPR episodes on vhs. Then they actually expected you to watch reruns of the reruns and wait for the "new episodes"? They really made it too complicated for themselves. They could have just aired MMPR as it was over the whole year. No one would have complained about the violence. It would have flew under the radar.

Agreed, those effects totally ruined what could have been a cool nostalgic run of episodes.

Sentai Master
03/07/17, 03:46 PM
Pretty ironic that they edited a show that was already a repackaged version of Zyuranger with original footage.

Zordon's Legacy
03/07/17, 05:03 PM
Didn't the station advertising say Rita did a spell to bring back things to the original timeline or something like that?

A Gia To Remember
03/07/17, 05:08 PM
Rita would never do that since she was Mystic Mother by then.