View Full Version : Elizabeth Banks as Rita

02/26/17, 01:06 PM
I think it would be nice to have a thread to discuss Movie Rita and/or Elizabeth Bank's performance as the villain.

Zordon's Legacy
02/26/17, 09:32 PM
I love her new look. It made sense to go with something original that stood on its own. The new Rita could never match Soga or Perez anyway.

Lothor's Revenge
02/26/17, 09:42 PM
If was probably best to have a slightly darker Rita.

Ocean Of Revenge
02/26/17, 10:05 PM
Its silly to expect movie Rita to be the same after all these years. Especially when the new movie is trying to attract and older audience too. This Rita needs to speak ror his era and the state of the franchise today.

Uncle Steve
02/27/17, 08:43 AM
The old Rita isn't conducive to the type of movie they are going for.

Horror Ranger
02/27/17, 04:06 PM
I like how they made her more scary looking. I hope she doesn't go too over the top with her line delivery. This Rita needs to be more scary and menacing.

Cassidy Casablancas
02/27/17, 09:13 PM
I don't care for the look of movie Rita at all. I just can't get excited about her since she looks so strange. She looks like Scorpina.

Ranger Hero
02/27/17, 09:45 PM
I'm relieved to see Rita re-imagined for a new generation, in a much darker way.

02/28/17, 03:22 PM
It looks like she is really getting into the role.

Lion Tamer Org
02/28/17, 04:22 PM
She almost feels like a newer character.

Wesley Smallings
02/28/17, 04:35 PM
I do think her design is a bit off. But I will have more of a final opinion when I see the movie.

Hailey Ziktor
03/04/17, 07:10 PM
At first glance she looks interesting. She definitely seems like she is putting her own spin on the character.

03/07/17, 03:54 PM
So I was watching the latest tv spot with rita . And there is a scene where Rita is attacking Kim or Trini. And she mentioned being full of hope like her once. Which is interesting since Zordon refers to her as pure evil in the second full trailer. It does further point to her being a former Ranger. If so, she must have done some pretty heinous things for Zordon to say she is pure evil. Since it seems she may have been a hero once.

Zordon's Legacy
03/07/17, 05:01 PM
It would make sense for Rita and Zordon to be mortal enemies like they seemed to be in season 1. I suspect Rita's betrayal effected Zordon deeply personally and perhaps resulted in the death's of Zordon's team. And likely led to Zordon being stuck in his tube or whatever he is supposed to be stuck in now.

A Gia To Remember
03/07/17, 05:08 PM
She seems more scary than the old Rita.

Ivan The Terrible
03/08/17, 07:39 AM
She seems like she will be much more menacing than the original.

Yellow Fan Forever
03/08/17, 11:50 AM
I think its supposed to be Trini that Rita is attacking. Which is funny since she seems pretty jaded in the previews....Funny with Rita saying that line about her being full of hope.

Call Titanus
03/10/17, 11:23 AM
I think she looks awful!. She looks nothing like Rita and feels like a totally different villain.

Trakeena's Revenge
03/10/17, 11:24 AM
She kind or reminds of of Trakeena.

Kameron Poe
03/11/17, 11:56 AM
I think they are making her an original character in a lot of ways. That feels like the best way to go.

Rita's Pita
03/11/17, 12:04 PM
But they owe it to the old school fans tl be true to the original Rota..Who is much beloved. Look at how excited people got when Mystic Mother turned out to be Mrs. Rapulsa herself.

No Green Spandex
03/11/17, 12:05 PM
Wouldn't she be Mrs. Zedd?