View Full Version : MMPR Lasting Longer

Yellow Fan Forever
03/04/17, 08:10 AM
Do you think the cast change in season 2 ended up hurting MMPR in season 2? If the original cast had stayed, would MMPR have lasted longer?

Bratty Katty
03/04/17, 12:23 PM
I don't think the cast was ever going to stay around much longer. These kind of shows tend to have a lot of cast changes. Especially with the hectic pace the MMPR cast had to work. With Sentai changing every year, it was inevitable that PR would eventually do the same.

03/04/17, 07:08 PM
It may have helped the fad last longer. And maybe got another season or so wkthour major theme changes. You had to think it would have been hard to keep adapting all the new Sentais into MMPR.

Hailey Ziktor
03/04/17, 07:09 PM
I don't see them keeping the same suits past season 3. It was getting too hard.

Racecar Ronny
03/04/17, 10:40 PM
I think three years was long enough. I also don't see the original cast staying together for more than three years.

Super Cena
03/04/17, 11:07 PM
They probably would have done a fourth MMPR season using the Ohranger Zords. Gold Ranger would presumably be used.

03/05/17, 06:50 PM
MMPR wouldn't have lasted as long if Saaban managed to keep all the original cast though all of season 2. Some of the original casts would have left after the first movie causing 'season 3' to be the first costume and cast change season. :rolleyes:

Vypra's Monster
03/05/17, 09:26 PM
I don't see why keeping the old cast would have caused them to adapt 'lkukuranger in season 3. If anything MMPR would have ended at the same point.

Usagi Reborn
03/05/17, 09:27 PM
Amy Jo Johnson still would have left in season 3. Even if the season 2 cast change never happened.

Everyone Loves Rocky
03/05/17, 09:29 PM
MMPR wouldn't have been the same without Rocky. The cast changed helped it to last longer.

Delta Black
03/06/17, 10:33 PM
Its really hard to say how much longer it could have lasted. I do agree , AJJ probably still would have left. And we don't know if Austin, Walter, and Thuy would have lasted past season 3.

Kimberly Cares
03/06/17, 10:38 PM
I think it would have. AJJ probably would have stayed on too. MMPR would have went at least five seasons I think.

A Gia To Remember
03/07/17, 05:11 PM
It would have been interesting to see why future MMPR Seasons would have been like.

Ivan The Terrible
03/08/17, 07:41 AM
I doubt it would have lasted much longer. I think Saban Entertainment was happier just adapting the Sentai Footage more closely.

Dark Specter's Revenge
03/08/17, 07:16 PM
I could see it lasting four seasons, but not much longer than that.

Call Titanus
03/10/17, 11:22 AM
MMPR could have lasted a lot longer than it did. Old cast or new, it was a mistake tos switch to Zeo so soon.

Polly Want A Megazord
03/13/17, 12:32 PM
I think it was inevitable that the old cast wouldn't all stay on. They schedule was so hectic and the pay low. No one expected MMPR o be so big going it.

03/13/17, 01:00 PM
MMPR could have lasted a lot longer than it did. Old cast or new, it was a mistake tos switch to Zeo so soon.

mistake or not they couldn't keep on paying for so much original footage that they had been doing for Seasons 2 and 3 it just wouldn't make much business sense to continue doing so if the ratings were declining.

Call Titanus
03/13/17, 04:03 PM
But the ratings wouldn't have went down with the original cast?

Zeo Power
03/13/17, 04:10 PM
It would have been a huge mistake not to go Zeo! Which wound up being the most successful season.

Goldar's Revenge
03/13/17, 04:18 PM
Zeo is a fan favorite but actually saw ratings and toy sales continue to decline.

03/13/17, 04:30 PM
But the ratings wouldn't have went down with the original cast?

of course they would have since the fans would have gotten bored with the same people.

MMPR Forever
03/13/17, 04:38 PM
I think Call Titanus is right. The ratings would have stayed super high with the full original cast. I think the original cast starting to leave caused he ratings to go down. Its the only reason why ratings would have went down. MMPR was too good for people to get sick of it with the original cast. It amazes me that people got sick or it with the newer cast.

Everyone Loves Rocky
03/13/17, 04:46 PM
I think Rocky stopped the ratings from going down more. He was such a signature ranger. It was a shame they downplayed him in Zeo and replaced him with Justin in the end.

Adam White Tiger
03/13/17, 04:48 PM
No , Adam was the one that kept people interested in MMPR. Thats why they bumped him up in importance for Zeo. Turbo would have been a success if they made Adam the leader of the new team.

Gold Robo Knight
03/14/17, 01:23 AM
I do think losing the original cast started to hurt ratings. The further they got away from season 1 also seemed to hurt. Trying to ride MMPR for another season or two probably would kept ratings higher. It would have been inevitable that they would have had to switch. As ratings stilk would have went down with all the changes. Even if it happened slowly.

Diabolico Rising
03/20/17, 04:47 PM
MMPR lasted a year too long imo. It was time to change things up after season 2.

Disney Ranger
03/20/17, 04:54 PM
The Saban era would have maintained more of its luster longer if MMPR had more seasons.

Green Nightwolf Koragg
03/21/17, 02:50 PM
I think three seasons was enough. It got more episodes than any other incarnation.

Space Hero
03/21/17, 11:48 PM
MMPR wasn't really that good and should have not lasted more than a year.

Superhero Galaxy
03/22/17, 12:29 PM
MMPR was just too silly. Power Rangers needed to evolve.

Putty On The Brain
03/22/17, 07:11 PM
More MMPR would have been awesome. I just wish they didn't get rid of the putties in season 3.