View Full Version : Judd Lynn's Writing.

Superhero Galaxy
03/21/17, 07:59 PM
Why doesn't Judd Lynn write more serious Power Rangers, like he did Space-Time Force?

03/21/17, 08:28 PM
Why doesn't Judd Lynn write more serious Power Rangers, like he did Space-Time Force?

probably because the footage doesn't dictate a serious tone and likely because someone above him possibly doesn't want a serious season.

Space Hero
03/21/17, 11:47 PM
I've been disappointed since I thought he would bring back the more serious tone that worked in Space-Time Force.

03/22/17, 10:24 AM
I've been disappointed since I thought he would bring back the more serious tone that worked in Space-Time Force.

he still has Bosses that he has to listen to but I agree with you since I have been wanting a serious season as well.

Turbo Guy
03/22/17, 12:26 PM
I don't like Power Rangers to be too serious. Its better when I'm is fun and whacky. Ninja Steel is the best PR season in years.

Inner Senshi
03/22/17, 12:27 PM
Judd has done a good job carrying on Power Rangers.

Massive Ego
03/22/17, 12:28 PM
His latest run has been a huge disappointment. But its probably not his fault. At least not entirety.

03/22/17, 12:41 PM
His last run has been a huge disappointing indeed. I will always give him credit for Space-Time Force but his latest run as been lackluster.

Revenge of the UAE
03/22/17, 06:53 PM
I agree that its more that Lynn is producing the kind of show Saban Brands wants. At least there not following Sentai blind anymore.

03/22/17, 06:55 PM
Lets not forget he doesn't have Jackie to help him anymore. Who was a huge part of his first run.

Putty On The Brain
03/22/17, 07:09 PM
I like his second run better than his first. He is doing a great job.

03/22/17, 10:36 PM
Lets not forget he doesn't have Jackie to help him anymore. Who was a huge part of his first run.

very true since they co-wrote a lot of the episodes when Chip was credited in fact I don't think he was credited much just by himself back then.

Captain Codfish
03/23/17, 11:11 PM
There is no way Judd has forgot how to write. Its just the show the higher ups want. Judd did a good job when he had to finish RPM.

03/24/17, 01:59 PM
I don't like Power Rangers to be too serious. Its better when I'm is fun and whacky. Ninja Steel is the best PR season in years.

a show can be serious without it being "too serious" but I can't judge Ninja Steel at the moment since it's just too early for that for me.

There is no way Judd has forgot how to write. Its just the show the higher ups want. Judd did a good job when he had to finish RPM.

exactly plus he can't write everything.

Turbo Guy
03/24/17, 10:15 PM
Right we have to see the whole season first. Just my early impression.

Ninja Steel Ranger
03/25/17, 12:02 PM
I really like Ninja Steel. Its fun but still had a lot of adventure. I think its only going to get better now the the beginning episodes are out of the way.

Ninja Storm Fan
03/25/17, 12:04 PM
The really should have done a sequel or reboot to Ninja Storm instead.

MMPR Forever
03/25/17, 12:12 PM
We need to have Tony Oliver back. He understood MMPR. Samurai would have been better if he had been allowed to write more than just the Bulk and Spike stuff. Which was the best thing about that season..

Massive Ego
03/28/17, 03:43 PM
Dan Isrealite has surprass Judd. And with the Lynn we get now its not even close.

Super Rad
04/02/17, 12:22 AM
I just don't get why the writing isn't on par with the way it was Space-Time Force. Since Judd wrote most of the episodes himself to weed out the bad writing. Yet the current product is full of the same kind of bad writing..

04/02/17, 01:16 PM
I had hoped Judd would make PR slightly darker like he did when he was the Story Editor. But maybe thats beyond his control.

Kameron Poe
04/02/17, 01:18 PM
I think it doesn't help that Sentai has become increasingly silly and more kid friendly. Its hard not to have Power Rangers be very kid friendly.

MMPR Forever
04/09/17, 08:05 PM
He is doing a great job woth Ninja Steel. I guess Dino Charge was just a learning curve.