View Full Version : Amy Jo's Variety Article

03/23/17, 04:46 PM
I came across this on facebook and I thought it was an interesting read so I'm sharing it here.


Zord Commander
03/23/17, 11:07 PM
Its good to see AJJ at peace with her role after all those years she tried to distance herself from it.

Captain Codfish
03/23/17, 11:09 PM
I think that was over blown. She was just trying to expand her career back then and ended up with a decent career. She never really hated Power Rangers and has been at conventions for years.

Zordon's Legacy
03/23/17, 11:18 PM
Amy Jo has always come off classy in whatever she has been in.

MMPR Forever
03/25/17, 11:59 AM
AJJ is such an amazing actress. She was the best MMPR actor out of the originals. I am glad we got to have her around for almost three seasons.

03/25/17, 12:01 PM
Thats probably one of the reasons why I dislike Kat so much. She just can't compare to Kimberly. I am sure Catherine Sutherland is a good actress. Its just that she can't compare to Amy Jo Johnson. Who is an icon to us all.

Usagi Reborn
03/28/17, 08:11 PM
I think Sutherland was actually pretty strong in her acting.

03/29/17, 03:20 AM
I think Sutherland was actually pretty strong in her acting.

so do I but it's probably a lot more fun to act evil than good.

Hailey Hartford
03/29/17, 06:54 AM
Honestly I think if more realize just how rough it was for her on the show not as many would of given her such a problem for leaving the show. AJ had to deal with a series of stalkers while she was on the show.

03/29/17, 07:50 AM
Yeah, that would be bad. Also it was at a time when the actors were working an insane schedule at non union pay.

Captain Mutiny
03/29/17, 07:51 AM
AJJ has always presented herself in a classy way

Usagi Reborn
03/29/17, 01:18 PM
She just wanted to have a career outside of Power Rangers. We can't blame her for that.