View Full Version : Should Eric have died?

Quantum Hunter
04/15/17, 08:09 AM
Would Eric's story be more powerful if he died like his counterpart?

MMPR Forever
04/15/17, 08:11 AM
People shouldn't die in Power Rangers. Even the inferior seasons mostly follow this. I do think Eric should have got his powers taken from him. Since he wasn't a worthy Ranhse.

Hailey Hartford
04/15/17, 11:16 AM
Rinshee was part of Samurai if I remember correctly. Eric was Time Force. Since he did come around and worked with Wes, I have to say no to both. He did become worthy of his Ranger powers and no he shouldn't of died. He had a lot of baggage so of course he was angry.

Changeman Returns
04/17/17, 10:20 AM
I think he should have died like his counterpart did in the Sentai. It would have made his story mean more and be more tragic.

MMPR Forever
04/17/17, 07:32 PM
Eric should never have been a Ranger. Such a selfish person should never have become a Ranger. He only stayed friends with Wes to remain a Silver Guardian.. He should have been a random person that becomes a Ranger like in Ninja Steel. Of course in this case its a random famous person that becomes the Sixth. Its smart because no Sixth can ever live up to Tommy.

04/17/17, 08:33 PM
I agree. He was such a mean person and had no sense of honor.

Massive Ego
04/17/17, 08:36 PM
Eric's storyline was great all around. Having him die would have been a good close to his story and made it mean more. But if he was going to live they handled the end well. Having them become friends made sense.

Inner Senshi
04/17/17, 08:36 PM
He couldn't die..It would have upset the children. As well as some of us older fans.

Horror Ranger
04/17/17, 08:37 PM
Time Force wasn't really written for children.

Disney Ranger
04/17/17, 08:38 PM
And thats why it failed. Disney had to take over to bring the franchise back it its roots after years of misteps.

Goldar's Revenge
04/17/17, 08:40 PM
Time Force was still very much written for a young audience. Every pr season has been. Just because the story felt more sophisticated at times, don't confuse that with it being a shoe for grown ups.

Lion Tamer Org
04/18/17, 02:04 PM
I don't.think he should have died. Wes should have defeated him to take his morpher. I don't buy him suddenly becoming Wes's friend.

Massive Ego
04/18/17, 02:06 PM
He didn't suddenly become Wes'.friend..Their storyline went throughout the whole season..They gradually earned respect for each other and slowly became allies. By the end , actually becoming real friends.

A Gia To Remember
04/18/17, 02:07 PM
Eric was a lot nicer in the team up.

Yellow Fan Forever
04/18/17, 02:08 PM
Except when he gave Taylor a speeding ticket. lol

Dark Specter's Revenge
04/18/17, 02:09 PM
Which was stupid since Taylor was so responsible she would never speed like that. It was poor writing for convenience.

04/19/17, 06:31 PM
I think it would have made for a powerful plot point. It would have been sad but would have made Time Force even more sophisticated.

Ransik Lives
04/20/17, 06:57 PM
I think you could go either way. But the fact Eric survived did not diminish his story. And it was probably good to do something different with Sentai. It also allowed Eric to be a part of the team up. It wouldn't have been the same without him.

Omega Black
04/22/17, 09:13 PM
Probably but it didn't ruin his storyline..

04/22/17, 09:29 PM
Just because Sentai did it, doesn't mean PR had to go the same route. Eric did not need to die to make his story work. In a lot of ways he was the best written character. Certainly he most three dimensional Ranger ever.

Hailey Ziktor
04/22/17, 09:35 PM
The company censors would never have gone for this.

Time For Time Force
04/23/17, 05:17 PM
I thought so at the time but I think they handled the end of his storyline well now. He didn't need to die to be a good character.

MMPR Forever
04/23/17, 05:31 PM
It would have been a disgrace..Characters shouldn't die on Plwer Rangers.

Wesley Smallings
04/24/17, 02:03 PM
I think Wes should have sacrificed himself to save Eric. To make up for being such a scene hogging tool the whole season.

Horror Ranger
04/24/17, 05:49 PM
Yes, that would have made it a tragic story and finished off Time Force being a masterpiece. Having Eric survive and become Wes' friend was a cop out. Really the end of Time Force was kinda weak. Which shows you how good he bulk of it was because I still consider it tied for the best with RPM.

Kody's Pride
04/24/17, 08:42 PM
That would be silly. Eric was always going to become Wes' friend. Since Power Rangers is about teamwork.

04/24/17, 08:51 PM
Eric's storyline was handled well and wasn't rushed to a finish in the finalie. Plus they got to use him again in the two WF team ups.

Inner Senshi
04/24/17, 09:03 PM
Way to dark of an idea, sorry.