View Full Version : Day 22 - Fave Scene

06/22/17, 12:39 AM
Here's the "Favorite" thread for today.

Now this is for favorite scene it doesn't matter what scene it is it can be as long or as short as you want it to be.

06/25/17, 01:13 PM
My favorite scenes are as follows:

MMPR = Scorpina's awakening, Rita's spell on Tommy being broken, Tommy and Kim's first kiss, Lokar's initial arrival, Lord Zedd's arrival, Alpha being forced to teleport Lord Zedd into the Command Center, Tommy and Kat going into Lord Zedd's Palace
Zeo = The team working together to break the Brain Drain's hold on Tommy as well as Bulk and Skull's assistance in destroying all of the stuff along with the help of Tritor
Turbo =
Space =
Galaxy = Magna Defender re-discovering his goodness and sacrificing just himself, Kendrix discovering who Deviot's Megazords were, Deviot's Megazords turning good, Kendrix Morgan's sacrifice, Karone's return and her becoming the new Pink Ranger as well as her leading the charge for the Lights of Orion armor, their ground Power-Up Mode attack Finisher and then the hilarious mistake with her attempt at calling for the zords before Damon corrected her and then she calls the zords the correct way.
Lightspeed =
Time Force =
Wild Force =
Ninja Storm = Green jumping down from his zord, the others are stunned, he mentions Dustin's name since as usual he's confused wondering how he knows his name but Tori smiles throughout this scene catching on quick to the new Ranger's identity
Dino Thunder =
S.P.D. = Cruger slowly accepting to become the new Ranger; the Shadow Ranger and of course the Shadow Ranger destroying 100 Krybots in his initial fight
Mystic Force = Clare, Phineas and Leelee's fight with the foot soldiers and their rescue of Udonna along with Leelee revealing that she stole Udonna's Snow Staff from the Underworld, Wolf Warrior destroying Gekkor without breaking a sweat
Overdrive =
Jungle Fury =
Samurai = Lauren's arrival
Megaforce =
Dino Charge = Zenowing's arrival and the explanation he gave in regards to how he made their zords and of course the specific instructions of how he had made their zords
Ninja Steel =

Hexagon Ranger
07/03/17, 12:58 PM
The scene with Jason and Tommy shaking hands for old time shake.