View Full Version : Day 30 - Evil Dream Team

06/30/17, 08:26 AM
No limits as long as it's a villain from the show.

06/30/17, 07:04 PM
Now here are my choices.

Leaders, Generals and Minions = Goldar, Scorpina, Lokar, Vile, Gasket, Archerina, Havoc, Ecliptor, Darkonda, Deviot, Hexuba, Barbarax, Olympius, Frax, Org Generals, Vexacus, Zeltrax, Broodwing, 8 out of the 10 Terrors, Fearcats except for Crazar, Kamdor, Serrator, Vrak

Monsters = Dramole, Knasty Knight, Terror Toad, Madame Woe, Dark Warrior, King Sphinx, Cyclops, Peckster, Snizzard, Eye Guy, MMPR Mantis, Fighting Flea, Slippery Shark, Pudgy Pig, Goo Fish, Two-Headed Parrot, Hatchasaurus and Cardiatron, Soccadillo, Oysterizer, Grumble Bee

Pirantishead, Saliguana, Bloom of Doom, Octophantom, Stag Beetle, Invenusable Flytrap, Robogoat, Guitardo, Pipebrain, Mirror Maniac, Nimrod, AC, DC, Pursehead, Magnetbrain, Tombstone Monster called Doomstone, the monster that looks like a Key Monster, Beamcast, Silverhorns, Scatterbrain, Needlenose, Tube Monster

Centiback, Katastrophe, Garbage Mouth, Parrot Top, Brick Bully, Incisorator, Blue Globbor, Sinister Simian, Hate Master, Vampirus, Artistmole, Barbaric Brothers, Longnose, Hydro Hog, Dischordia

Varox, Hydro Contaminator, Mean Screen, Mechanizer, Main Drain, Mace Face, Impursonator, Autochthon, Nuklifier, Cruel Chrome, Altor, Wolfbane, Wrecking Ball, Punch-a-bunch, Silo

Torch Tiger, Electrovolt, Dreadfeather, Demon Racer, Count Nocturne, Pharaoh, Terrortooth, Metal Mangler, Goldgoyle

Psycho Rangers, Electrotramp, Clawhammer, Sting King, Mamamite, Termitis, Mutantrus, Lionizer, Lizwizard, Body Switcher, Tankenstein, Preying Mantis, Horror Bulls, Destructoid, Batterax, Spikey, Vacsacker

Destruxo, Impostra, Fishface, Ironite, Spikaka, Magnetox, Chameliac

Ghouligan, Magmavore Version 2, Trifire, Demonite, Demonite Clone, Thunderon, Falkar, Troika, Infinitor, Gatekeeper, Fireor, Cobra Monster

Fatcatfish, Steelix, Brickneck, Conwing, Cinecon, Quarganon, Vexicon

Mut-Orgs, Machine Empire remnants, Locomotive Org, Samurai Org, Lion Tamer Org, Quadra Org, Tombstone Org

Eyesac, Blue Face, Copybot, Trayf, Madtropolis, Beevil, Wolfblades, Giant Fused Wolfblade, Goldwinger, Condortron

Golden Rod, Fossilador, White Terrorsaurus, Jade Gladiator, Angor, Skortch, Deadwood, Ruby Dragon,

Rhinix, Hydrax, Sinuku, Devastation, Shorty, Benaag, Valko, Slate, Mirloc, Silverhead, Icthior,

Gargoyle, Jester, Screamer, Warmax, Shreier, 50 Below, Fightoe, Chimera

Volcan, Dragonizer, Vulturus, Bullox, Magmador

Mantor, Rantipede, Gakko, Stingarella, Toady, Naja, Carnisoar, Jellica, Grizzaka, Bai Lai, Carden, Shadow Guards, Purcupongo, Barakouzza, Somnimax, Dynamir, Unidoom, Osiris, Lepus, Snapper, Whiger,

Magnetron, Sat-Bot, Reflects Bot

Tooya, Scorpionic, Rofer, Negatron, Madimot, Robtish, Vulpes, Steeleto, Antberry, Arachnitor, Rhinosnorus, Armadeevil, Switchbeast, Malden, Fiera

Scaraba, Dragonflay, Beezara,
Matacore, Professor Cog, Redker, Yellzor

Iceage, Spellbinder, G-Bo, Meteor, Greenzilla

Evil Zords, Robots or other Giant-only things who aren't in the leadership, aren't monsters and aren't foot soldiers = Cyclopsis, Serpentera, Metalasaurus, Terrorzord, Titanisaur, Tronicon, Dragontron, Doomtron, Goradon, Devastation/Morgana/Shorty's Robot of Destruction,

Foot Soldiers = Cogs, Chromites, Quantrons, Cyclobots, Kelzak Furies, Orangeheads

Turbo Guy
07/03/17, 12:46 PM
I would love it if all the whacky villains teams up. Divatox needs to be the leader though.