View Full Version : Tommy Oliver The Legend!!

08/29/17, 07:44 AM
tommy oliver all power rangers form features in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJkkBHBRg2E&t=

love this videos!!:):)

08/30/17, 07:50 PM
The link doesn't work

Kimberly Hart
10/02/17, 10:31 PM
The link works for me. It waa a cool showcase of Tommy.

No Green Spandex
10/06/17, 07:33 PM
Like Tommy needs more praise. Sorry but he is the Labron James of Power Rangers. So annoying.

Sentai Snob
10/06/17, 07:36 PM
I never got American Sentai fans' fascination with Tommy. He was all well and good for awhile. But he is long gone and really should have been a one season character. Its not like he is a classic Sentai character. I understand when people make bigger deals out or Sentai Favorktes But even they no how to move on.

Sentai Is Forever
10/06/17, 07:38 PM
Its funny the type of thinga American Sentai fans get all worked up over.

Tommy Angel
10/06/17, 07:40 PM
Tommy was one of the best Rangers ever! Along with Kimberly. He deserves all the attention he gets and should get even more.

Tommy Fan
10/06/17, 07:40 PM
I know he should be in every season!

Concerned Parent
10/06/17, 08:12 PM
Tommy or any character from this awful show is/are not role model(s).

10/07/17, 09:57 AM
Tommy or any character from this awful show is/are not role model(s).

that's laughable.

Tommy = was brainwashed but overcame that. Had an issue with forgetting stuff but overcame that.
Zack = had doubts about dancing in a contest but overcame that.
Billy = he wasn't skilled at fighting and wasn't that good with the ladies but overcame both issues.
Trini = she conquered her fear of heights.
Adam = he conquered his confidence issuues.
Aisha = she had to pretty much sacrifice herself by giving up her necklace to Alpha knowing she wouldn't have its protection from Hate Master's magic but she was still able to fight off his attempt to spell her because she was taught that love conquers all

that's just a few things I could name much more if you really want me to do that but I don't think you want me to do that.

MMPR Mania
10/07/17, 12:06 PM
The MMPR Rangers were perfect role models

10/07/17, 12:07 PM
Very true. Except for Kat.

10/07/17, 12:21 PM
The link works for me.

that's because I fixed the problem.

Diabolico Rising
10/23/17, 11:02 AM
Tommy was fine and didn't ruin any deason he was in. But he certzinly wasn't going to be in every season.

I Love Lothor
10/23/17, 02:44 PM
Tommy is one of the best, no question about it. Its why they brought him back so much when they had the oppertunity.

Sailor Chaos
10/23/17, 02:46 PM
I can't deny his popularity but there are other good Rangers. Andros, Wes, Eric,Jen, and TJ, to name a few.

Ultra Fan Blue
10/23/17, 05:34 PM
I like Tommy just fine but Billy is my favorite. To me Billy is the legend.

Jason Chan Fan
10/23/17, 05:42 PM
He is one of the best Rangers ever.

Dino Guts
10/23/17, 08:50 PM
Tommy had an awesome run on the show. It was really cool to see him again. DinoThunder.

Green Scorpion Ranger
10/23/17, 09:07 PM
I don't know why some people hate Tommy so much. Power Rangers always seems tp follow one Ranger the most on a season. Usually being Red Ranger. But it doesn't matter. Tommy didn't dominate the show anymore than them.

Diabolico Rising
10/29/17, 08:01 PM
I think Tommy was good. But Carter is my favorite. And was better written.

Bansheera's Revenge
10/29/17, 08:12 PM
He was overrated. He was good in his day. But the show has grown past him. He really didn't need to be brought back. Certainly not so many times.