View Full Version : Ninja Steel more of a spin off

MMPR Forever
10/23/17, 02:23 PM
I know I said before that Ninja Steele is the best season since MMPR. But after watching more of it doesn't really feel like Power Rangers. It feels more like a good spin off. Far better than anything since MMPR ended. I think we will need MMPR to come back to truly get the feel. I would love for Ninja Steel to continue as a spin off though.

Dino Guts
10/23/17, 09:00 PM
I think Power Rangera needs to find away to do more Dinosuar seasons. Since Dino Charge did so well.

10/23/17, 09:31 PM
I would like it better if Ninja Steel was a spin off of Ninja Storm with Shane as the mentor and the Ninja Steel Rangers as his students from the Wind Ninja Academy. ;)

Smarty Pants Rose
10/29/17, 10:15 PM
I think Ninja Steel is a Power Rangers Season. Its not a spin off like Masked Rider was. I wouldn't have minded NS2 being an actual sequel to NS1

02/13/18, 11:41 AM
It is a pretty good season. Not like MMPR but nothing can come close. So its almost not fair to compare.

Green With Envy
02/13/18, 11:56 AM
Ninja Steel is a good successor for MMPR. But its not a spinoff and none of the other successor seasons are. They are part of Power Rangers as much as MMPR.