View Full Version : Sayonara, Power Ranger Planet!

06/21/11, 05:57 AM
Power Ranger Planet... is no more. Seems Saban sent Webs a termination order. On Super Sentai Planet, the site owner says that he expects to get it back up in about a month... but since the site takedown was justified (breach of copyright), I'm not confident on that. Here's an archive version from April 2009, hopefully the Megaupload links still work.

06/21/11, 10:32 PM
Its a shame. Unfortunately, my cpu doesn't stream well so netflix won't help me much right now. I feared that this day would come ( one of the reasons why I tried not to promote Power Rangers Planets too much, I didn't want to attract this kind of attention to them). I mean there is only so long that the rights holders of PR we're going to allow these type of sites to exist. It should be noted that they are going after a lot of youtube clips too.

I don't blame Saban Brands though. They have to protect their properties. Especially with the new Netflix deal and hopefully future DVD releases. They can no longer tolerate free streaming.

I wonder if this is just the beginning? Will they go after all the encoders and the message boards with Multimedia sections? In the past only the direct downloads we're targeted. Mesh was told to take down his Overdrive downloads by Disney back in the day. Which made sense since they we're too easily accessible. It will be interesting to see how far this goes.

06/21/11, 10:37 PM
Its kind of interesting, how the PR Planet is closed thread was closed at Rb. I know boards don't like to discuss other site's/board's business. But the topic of downloads and Saban Brands going after them is something that is happening to the fandom as a whole and worth discussing.

06/22/11, 05:52 AM
If Megaupload gets targeted, we've had it. Netflix's No Export For You status makes it very annoying. Couldn't they have made them available free legally, like Marvel does with the old 90s cartoons (and some older cartoons and the 1978 Spiderman toku)?

06/22/11, 07:02 PM
Why would they have it available for free when they can have a premium service. Unless you have ad support ( which I could be an option in the future).

06/23/11, 05:44 AM
Strange thing is, I don't know how Disney fund the Marvel streaming...

06/25/11, 10:37 AM
Well I didn't expect that - it's back online! :)