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View Full Version : Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 11 Discussion

12/06/14, 07:41 AM
Discuss Episode 11 of Sailor Moon Crystal.

12/07/14, 09:14 AM
Wow, that had to be the best episode yet. Stakes got raised big time.

Mamoru's evil with huge new powers and zero regret, Andrew and Beryl both enter the secret base, the bad guys get the Legendary Silver Crystal, and even Luna takes one for the team. Queen Metalia's reveal next week is gonna be goooood.

And hey, three minutes of transformation sequences. Why is it such chocolate syrup to my soul?

12/07/14, 09:16 AM
That was so different from the 90s anime. My thoughts:

- Are Mamoru and Motoki not friends in the manga? Also are Motoki and Reika not a couple?

- Naoko needs to retcon the series and make Venus' weapon a sword cause Minako looks so good with a sword

- Mako got bitch-slapped by Rei

- Noooooo Luna!!!!!!!!!!!

- Where was Artemis?

- Dang TM is stone cold in the manga/Crystal and powerful too

- I'm liking that Queen Beryl isn't just sitting on her butt until the last episode. That's one thing that irked me about the 90s anime. That Usagi/Sailor Moon didn't see Beryl for the first time until the last episode of the first season.

final thoughts: this is by far the best episode so far. I hope the next 2 episodes are that good or better.

Primal Slayer
12/07/14, 09:17 AM
I liked the episode, especially the music. But I gots to say, of all the episodes they decide to waste practically 2/3 mins for transformations/speeces, WTF.

I am beyond tired of everyone who isnt Sailor Moon getting their butts kicked, it was not cool to not let us see Lita at least fight Tuxedo before succumbing to his powers, would've made it a lot better. Though what little fight they did manage to get in was nice. And it was nice to see Mercury use her powers on the defensive again.

Also Rei fnally spoke up!

12/07/14, 09:19 AM
That was so different from the 90s anime. My thoughts:

- Are Mamoru and Motoki not friends in the manga? Also are Motoki and Reika not a couple?

- Naoko needs to retcon the series and make Venus' weapon a sword cause Minako looks so good with a sword

- Mako got bitch-slapped by Rei

- Noooooo Luna!!!!!!!!!!!

- Where was Artemis?

- Dang TM is stone cold in the manga/Crystal and powerful too

- I'm liking that Queen Beryl isn't just sitting on her butt until the last episode. That's one thing that irked me about the 90s anime. That Usagi/Sailor Moon didn't see Beryl for the first time until the last episode of the first season.

final thoughts: this is by far the best episode so far. I hope the next 2 episodes are that good or better.

Mamoru's a high school student in everything not-anime while Motoki and Reika are in college. Motoki and Reika are... a possible couple? They're kinda on the fence.

Well, brainwashed + with the Silver Crystal's power inside of him XD Let's not forget how he batted around Usagi in episode 46 of the 90s anime.

Eh. In this case, you can't blame Crystal, this is how it all played out in the manga. Usagi didn't even really DO anything in the episode either, she was paralyzed by indecision. Rei took out Makoto while Venus put up a pretty good fight. There's not much to actually complain about on this front in this episode.

On the transformations, we did get to the final versions of Venus and Moon's transformations. Cute how they cut to the odango and feather pins appearing at the very end instead of the tiara popping into existence.

12/07/14, 09:22 AM
Tux was really cool in this episode, I thought he would be and I'm not disappointed!

But there are also several issues. Because it is faithful to the manga...

-Beryl introduces herself. Again. And is not recognized.
-Usagi is reeling from what was done to Mamoru, but the other guardians don't seem bothered about the four kings, whom they apparently all love...
-Having those four kings, Beryl still decides to put herself in danger...

I'm not sure the embellishments Crystal is trying to make are working out.

12/07/14, 09:23 AM
[QUOTE=Saberhagen;48782] Usagi is reeling from what was done to Mamoru, but the other guardians don't seem bothered about the four kings, whom they apparently all love...[QUOTE]

Probably because they're more mature in their ways of thinking. They know the generals are brainwashed and there's nothing they can do for them. While Usagi of course is emotionally stubborn

I'm currently watching the episode, and the girls' interactions at Ami's apartment is great!

Usagi is carrying HUGE bags of snacks.

Rei Insults Usagi

Ami is acting smart

Mako is acting like the mother

And Mina is acting like the fool


12/07/14, 09:31 AM
I honestly wasn't looking forward to this episode too much, since aside from a select few scenes it didn't have much I was all that excited to see. But I'm glad to see Crystal kept in everything I wanted, and I actually enjoyed Crystal's version of it more than expected, even if it did have a few issues.

I'm not sure the embellishments Crystal is trying to make are working out.

I'll reserve judgment until the first season is over, but I will say this if the embellishments don't work out: I know a lot of people didn't want a straight adaptation of the manga, but I think it would be better than one that can't do a lot with the embellishments it's making.

Sailor Chaos
12/07/14, 10:26 AM
This episode was pretty interesting.

I found it interesting since Usagi is still emotionally stubborn in this series like she was in the 90s anime but the others had no qualms about fighting Mamoru much like they had no qualms about fighting him in the original anime.

Mamoru is stone cold in this version when he has been brainwashed though.

12/07/14, 12:41 PM
I liked that we had that nice scene with the Senshi at Ami's apartment. With all the complaints about the Senshi getting no character time, they got it here. Was nice to see the group dynamic with everyone getting a chance to shine.

The stuff with "Endo" and Usagi was chilling and heartbreaking. At this point in the manga Mamoru is essentially dead and this new being is just possessing his souless body. So its not surprising he doesnt feel like Mamoru to Usagi. Of course she desparately wants him to be and allows herself to get fooled by him.

I loved the final battle with Usagi being forced to eventually confront "Endo". The fact that she didnt transform right away made sense since didnt know what to do. Plus it made things more dramatic. I liked that Beryl once again confronted them and seemed to hint at a deeper back story.

12/07/14, 03:03 PM
No doubt and because I did read some snippets over at Wikipedia I am aware of what she is kind of up to in Mamoru's case.

Sailor Chaos
12/23/14, 11:00 AM
In the manga its basically implied that Mamoru died and this is just an evil spirit in his body. With his soul being gone until Usagi saves him.

Edit: Sorry didn't see PRX already said this.

But while I am editing.... I.really liked the episode. Endo was chiling and Usagi was really pushed to the emotional limit here. Crazy how they ended up in the Command Center. Beryl showing up made for a good cliffhanger.

Dic Dubber
12/23/14, 11:07 AM
Crystal is too dark for me. I don't like.reading subtitles. I don't think I will like the dub since I will miss.the Dic dubb.