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View Full Version : Kamen Rider Video Games

11/08/06, 08:52 AM
We all know that Kamen Rider gets one video game a year, sometimes two. So would you rather have the Japanese games ported to the US or have original games that would probably not be that great?

11/08/06, 04:43 PM
If there's one thing the Japanese have always done right, it's video games. Screw our ideas, they know Kamen Rider better than we ever will, just give us the translation and be done with it.

11/10/06, 10:58 AM
The only thing I don't like is that they're all pretty short, you can beat them within under 10 hours, but still, better than any Power Ranger game.

11/10/06, 02:36 PM
The only thing I don't like is that they're all pretty short, you can beat them within under 10 hours, but still, better than any Power Ranger game.
The question is, what's NOT better than any Power Rangers game?

11/10/06, 03:18 PM
Megaman Soccer?

11/10/06, 07:09 PM
Er... debatable. LOL

Aussie Rider
11/11/06, 04:18 AM
Britney Spears Dance Academy or whatever the hell that was.

As long as they do a combination of beat 'em up or some sort of Street Fighter engine and a battle driving engine ala Spy Hunter (except with bikes instead of cars) I say original.

11/12/06, 06:08 PM
The problem with original video games is that not many companies will put effort into it. We all know how half hearted the PR games are.

11/12/06, 06:12 PM
America produces games just to make more money off their franchises. Japan produces games that acutally create joy in their customers' hearts. It's just a different world to them.

11/14/06, 02:04 PM
Guess that's why the Japanese games are usually better.

Gotta wonder though, the Ryuki video game was on the PS1, how are they going to release it in this gen?

11/14/06, 06:50 PM
Gotta wonder though, the Ryuki video game was on the PS1, how are they going to release it in this gen?
I think the question is, will they release it at all? First, this new Kamen Rider would have to get sold to TV, then it would have to be a huge hit. That's a lot to ask before they'd consider a translated port of the Ryuki game.

11/15/06, 09:46 AM
Well this is assuming everything goes well and the show gets picked up. Kabuto's going to be the last game on the PS2, Ryuki was the last one on the PS1. Of course, they could always skip from Ryuki to Kabuto.

11/15/06, 04:49 PM
Well, if all were to go well (which we're all hoping for), I'd say the problem selling this game is that only the most hardcore Kamen Rider Ryuki/Dragon Knight fans would go for it nowadays.

We've seen developers lump older-gen games onto new-gen systems a bunch of times, but only the more classic titles ever get to that plateau (i.e. Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat). Trying to sell kids of the current age on a Dragon Knight game that looks like it was made for the PlayStaton 1 (which Ryuki fans would already know was true) for the PlayStation 3 would be quite the uphill battle. And any game review companies worth their salt would tear into the decision in a minute.

I think their best bet to sell a game is wait until they adapt a more recent season like Kabuto, which has the PS2 brand quality we're used to at this point, or just adapt SDF which we all would hope a game gets made of for the PS3.

masked rider fearon
06/03/08, 07:00 AM
either that or they release the original Ryuki game with improved graphics, and in english
and make it a psp game.
or have 2 different Ryuki games on psp and on ps3 link
the game together to get extra for the stuff for the ps3 game.

06/29/08, 08:22 PM
The question is, what's NOT better than any Power Rangers game?

So you haven't played Super Legends on the PC yet, have you. :(

masked rider fearon
06/30/08, 02:46 AM
why have you played it on the ps2,
on the ds this game is much better
I lke this game but would have liked it
if there was more rangers and better zord battles !!

06/30/08, 03:41 AM
I prefer the Final Fantasy games myself having played 10 of them and finished 4 of them myself. So if these games are as solid as Final Fantasy I'll be impressed.

masked rider fearon
06/30/08, 05:16 AM
I prefer the Final Fantasy games myself having played 10 of them and finished 4 of them myself. So if these games are as solid as Final Fantasy I'll be impressed.

well it's not turn based like final fantasy ( although that would be cool)
the story line is pretty good it explains why you need other rangers
to help plus lord Z comes back
the game play depends on what system you play it on.
on the ps2 , p.c. ( I think they have the same gameplay not sure)
it is sort of like an adventure plat former game,
destroy bad guys get power ups and unlock stuff
including characters and other special moves.
the D.S. game is much the same but you can call on other rangers
to help you out, and the zord battles are better (you have to move
the zord with controls and attack with the stylus)
all in all I liked the ps2 version but liked the zord battles of the d.s game
:cool: :cool:

07/08/08, 10:14 PM
does anyone know why there hasnt been any kamen rider video games in japan since kabuto? i waiting for den-o to come out but it never did. what happen?
and the same thing for ultraman. I would have liked to see a ultraman mebius video game or atleast they should have made a Ultraman fighting evolution 4 or a fighting evolution rebirth 2.

masked rider fearon
07/27/08, 11:46 PM
I have not idea why they haven't made any more kamen rider video games
but maybe we might see a original type of kamen rider game for dragon knight
it would be cool but I know it will never happen