View Full Version : Power Rangers Online 6.0 is here

01/30/15, 12:10 PM
The Power Rangers Online has been upgraded to 6.0. The old layout served us well for ten years. But its time for a change and I wanted to add some things. The color scheme is still the same and it has a lot of the same feel. I made the site more interactive with the forum. There may be some bugs to work out but its futher a long than PRN by far. All the same content is there. Expect more frequent news updates. I have already made a few a few days back.


Spike Hart
01/30/15, 04:44 PM
Looks cool. Surprised you changed the layout.

Usagi Reborn
02/02/15, 11:50 AM
Humm... Not sure what to think. I was used to the old layout. So I have to get used to the new one.

Spike Hart
02/02/15, 11:52 AM
I'm glad you are updating again.