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View Full Version : Secret Struggle Episode Discussion

04/24/20, 09:00 PM
Here’s the discussion thread for the new episode tomorrow

Unfortunately I hate to report this but the hiatus starts after tomorrow

04/26/20, 04:12 PM
Hmm where to start?

Ah yes the Beast X King Spin Saber is pretty cool and I do believe that it’s original

Clever usage of Sentai footage with the fight between Roxy and Zoey

Interesting how Nate injected a tracker into the Mayor

Interesting story with Nate and Zoey being found out regarding their feelings for one another and how Commander Shaw decided to do away with the rule because she thought that their feelings for one another made them fight better

Interesting cliffhanger with the Mayor turning into Evox

But where did he go? He can’t go back to the new dimension since he would still have that tracker in him

Titanium Ghost
04/26/20, 04:24 PM
I was shocked to see Evox impersonating the mayor. I was also surprised The Commander got rid of the rule. But I guess that was inevitable.

04/26/20, 04:27 PM
Episode wasn't good. But I am glad the two Rangers are allowed to be together.

MMPR Forever
04/26/20, 04:27 PM
MMPR did it right. Zordon didn't interfere with the Rangers personal relationships.

04/26/20, 04:28 PM
Although I wish he did with Tommy and Kat!

Lightspeed Fire
04/26/20, 04:29 PM
It kind of reminds me of the fake rule Ms. Fairweather made up so Joel wouldn't try to date her. Of course in this case it was real.

04/26/20, 10:01 PM
'Secret Struggles' is a good episode. In it, Steel find out that Nate and Zoey love each others. Steel tried to get them together. Meanwhile, the mayor's secret is in danger of being revealed. Robo-Roxy created a monster to keep the rangers busy. Both the monster and it's giant twin get destroyed. The commander do away with the 'No Rangers Dating' rule, and the mayor's secret get revealed. What will happen next? You have to wait until the next episode to find out. ;)

Piccolo's Legacy
04/27/20, 02:17 PM
I'm glad the major's secret was exposed. I can't wait to see what happens next

Nate and Zoey getting together was predictable. I figured it would happen eventually.

Green Alien Ranger
04/29/20, 09:26 AM
Is this the last new episode for awhile?

05/06/20, 03:20 PM
Is this the last new episode for awhile?

yup only thing is we don't know how long since the coronavirus will likely be affecting production for the next season so will they just finish the current season off and just hold off on the next season until they can air it?

Inner Senshi
05/16/20, 11:53 AM
I didn't think it was fair that Rangers were allowed to date anyways.

05/16/20, 11:56 AM
Of course if Kim and Tommy were on the team,.they would have had special permission to date.

05/16/20, 11:24 PM
Of course if Kim and Tommy were on the team,.they would have had special permission to date.

Nope, it was a policy and no one was above it
Stop acting like Trump does on a daily basis
Tommy and Kimberly, Tommy and Kat, Tommy and whomever, if any of them was in their organization then they would have to play by the same rules
They don’t get special treatment because of who they are no matter how precious you believe they are
I know Trump thinks he’s special and that he is above the law but he isn’t and neither is anyone else

Captain Codfish
05/17/20, 12:27 AM
Yeah it had nothing to do with who was on the team. It was a general rule designed to make sure the team wasn't compromised by personal relationships.

Power Sentai
05/17/20, 12:31 AM
No offense, but do all KimandTommy's posts have to be about that couple? What do they have to do with the rule or the episode? As far as we know they aren't even a couple in canon.

MMPR Forever
05/17/20, 12:34 AM
Some of us just want to see them together like they should have been.

05/17/20, 12:59 AM
No offense, but do all KimandTommy's posts have to be about that couple? What do they have to do with the rule or the episode? As far as we know they aren't even a couple in canon.

Yup pretty much, they are obsessed with the ship just like Trump is obsessed about talking about himself and praising himself for doing great things even when it’s clearly evident that he has turned this country into a yuuuuge problem

Some of us just want to see them together like they should have been.

Amy did it to herself. Blame her for wanting to leave and for sacrificing the TomKim fans

Delta Max
05/17/20, 02:48 PM
Just because you date someone at a young age, doesn't mean its for keeps. Its more common to break up with your high school boyfriend/Girlfriend. What you want changes as you grow older. So its actually more realistic that Tommy and Kim didn't end up together. Its amazing Tommy and Kat did.

Green With Envy
05/17/20, 02:49 PM
Like Tommy was taking Kim back after that Dear John letter.. lol!

Red Spandex Forever
05/17/20, 02:50 PM
How did an episode discussion thread turn into another Tommy and Kim argument? lol

Ecliptor's Fury
05/17/20, 02:54 PM
Well it was a pretty good episode .No Tommy and Kim though.

Delta Max
05/17/20, 03:12 PM
I thought it was odd that the commander changed the rule so easily. But its good to see that they finally know that Evox infected the mayor.

Sledge's Bounty
05/17/20, 03:16 PM
I liked the fight scene between Robo Roxy and Zoey

Dino Charger
05/17/20, 03:17 PM
Devin's really gonna go through a hard time now that he knows his father is infected.

Inner Senshi
05/17/20, 03:18 PM
It was funny seeing Steel try to set them up.