View Full Version : Not a member of the board yet? Why you should be?

01/10/11, 05:51 PM
If you're viewing this board as a guest, I'd like to encourage you to sign up as a member ( if you we're ever a member of Rider Power, Talkrider, the old PRO Vbulletin, Lahana Forums, or PRO Invisonfree you should have an account here).

Right now guests can post, but that won't always be the case. As a member you get better posting features anyway. You get access to you're own profile. Which allows you to friend other members, receive visitor message from them, send private messages, and add some information about you're self. You'll also have to ability to search a database of posts. Which includes posts from the ezboard era of PRO. Dating back to 2001.

And best of all its all free and easy to sign up. Vbulletin is one of the best message board software on the net. And Power Rangers Online Message Board is proud to be utilizing it.