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View Full Version : What would you like to see for the 10 anerverery o

Jedi bobs
10/25/01, 04:50 AM
choose below

10/25/01, 03:17 PM
The return of Patricia Ja Lee as the pink Space Ranger all the way.

Brunnen G Ranger
10/25/01, 03:43 PM
I'm just going to go with my hormones and say Female Power Ranger Bikini Contest!

No Surprise there I imagine.

10/25/01, 03:48 PM
I'm shocked......... ok not really :rolleyes:

10/25/01, 05:40 PM
BRING Zordon Back!
even as a Wild force Ranger :lol:

10/25/01, 08:22 PM
A Power Rangers team up with the originals is what I would like to see. It would be fitting seeing as how Thuy Trang died in a car accident on September 3rd. The only way to truly pay homage to her is to have the remaining original cast members guest star on both the first and second episodes, seeing as how it will most likely be a two-parter. Walter Emanuel Jones has been gone the longest, so he should be first on the list. Next up would be Amy Jo Johnson, who left the show in the third season.

After her is of course David Yost - and when he left Power Rangers Zeo it was extremely hard to see him go. Last but certainly not least would be Austin St. John, who made his triumphant (and rather unexpected) return to the show after being absent for 2 seasons. Let's not forget Jason A. Narvy and Paul Schrier - a reunion between Bulk and Skull would truly be a sight worth seeing. Also, I wouldn't mind Jason David Frank guest starring in the third episode (because he wasn't part of the original cast, he should at least be in the third episode of Wild Force).

10/25/01, 08:40 PM
Yeah not a bad idea except Amy Jo Johnson who plays Kim has gone on the record as saying "Power Rangers ruined my career!" and saying some other stuff which means Saban would never bring her back, though she wouldn't want to anyway. David Yost is in pretty much the same boat as AJJ, he fell out with Saban and won't be coming back. Jason Narvy who played Skull, I can't see coming back, as with Zack. But the guy who played Bulk still helps out with the show, recently doing a voice in TF, so he could come back, and I can see Jason and Tommy reappearing as well.

10/27/01, 02:47 AM
How could they not be there? There IS a 10th anniversary thing and it would be pretty weird if some of the cast members from those "10 years" weren't there.

10/27/01, 07:00 AM
Bringing abck old cast members has NOT been confirmed for an episode in WF. And trust me, even if it was, Amy Jo Johnson would definitlely not be appearing in it.

10/28/01, 02:36 AM
If she is so anti-power rangers nowadays, then how come she was in the Power Rangers Turbo Movie? That was 2 years after she left the show.

10/28/01, 09:44 AM
Also JDF apparently went on record saying he'd never reappear on PR.

I'd love Zordon to come back (some hopes), all the Zords or (like in Sentai), the spirits of all the Zords to return, some mof the old rangers (like in the sentai 25 special) - and who suggested a female ranger bikini contest?? :lol: :rolleyes:

Maybe the rangers can go looking at the wreckage of the Power Chamber and find the Zeo Crystal.....(now I am joking!!!)

10/28/01, 02:30 PM
The movie was made half way during the filming of zeo. Thats why Jason is referred to as the former red ranger, not the former gold ranger. It was during 96, and i think her contract expired in 96, so she may have been forced to do it or something. Either way, it wqs ages ago, and people don't always have to be the same. She says PR ruined her career. Deal with it. You won't ever see her on PR again.

white silver13
10/28/01, 07:59 PM
i wanna see the return of the power rangers zeo.the old rangers should go to the power chamber and find them.i am also glad too see black,white and silver rangers returning.
seeing the zeo zords were wicked

10/28/01, 08:12 PM
Ok, its not a show granted, but I've written a zeo fanfic you could check out, where they get their powers back. Just click on the Power Rangers Zeo: The Return picture in my sig, and you shall be transported there.

11/03/01, 04:18 AM
MiChaos, I would love for Zordon to come back, maybe not in the timewarp. Here's a possibility: Zordon comes back to life, with out needing a tube, you can actually see what Zordon looks like. Although Bob Manahan is dead.

11/03/01, 09:12 AM
Hmm..... I played up on an idea like that in my Power Rangers Zeo fic, where Zordon returns, but in an afterlife spiritual form, so he has a body, but he's still the same Zordon.

11/05/01, 08:25 PM
Hey, Zordon in any form would be good! I've got a pic (from Zyuranger) of Zordon in human form! (http://www.michaos.ic24.net/zords.htm) Also bring back Alpha!

Although this is the wrong board to advertise fanfics, I've also got a Zeo fanfic - www.geocities.com/second_zeo (http://www.geocities.com/second_zeo) but it isn't very good - I need someone to help me write it - I've got the ideas, but cannot write it and do not have the time - Astromegazord, if you're interested you can take some of them up to add to your fanfic if appropiate?!?

11/05/01, 09:02 PM
thanks but I've finished my zeo fic now. have a look at it at www.angelfire.com/realm2/zeoreturns (http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/zeoreturns) I'm now doing its follow up, a PRiS one

psychic ranger
01/17/11, 01:40 PM
all rangers come back