View Full Version : Whatever Happened to Alpha 5?

01/11/11, 09:53 AM
A topic I've done before, I know. But here's a PR topic to get people thinking and to start discussion. So:

Whatever happened to Alpha 5?

The last time we saw him was in Passing the Torch, so what happened to our favourite little android?

Kamen Rider Decade
01/11/11, 09:54 AM
Staff of the show has said he is destroyed been so since Turbo.

01/11/11, 09:54 AM
Yeah, Alpha 5 was indeed destroyed on Eltar during the time when Zordon was getting captured by Dark Spector.

01/11/11, 09:55 AM
It never was impicitly stated but Alpha being captured or destoryed sounds reasonable to me. OR you can use your imagination and say Alpha is still on Eltar.

The Neoranger
01/11/11, 09:55 AM
For a moment I thought he could be the "Alpha 7" from Forever Red. Who has confirmed that this android on Forever Red was a different Alpha? He had the same voice and throughout the episode his full name was not revealed.

01/11/11, 09:56 AM
I think the Alpha unit in forever red should have been alpha five not a new one. But it really is not a big deal.

01/11/11, 09:56 AM
Neoranger, I believe it said in the credits that the android was Alpha 7.

Kamen Rider Decade
01/11/11, 09:57 AM
MiChaos you are right it did say 7. It said 7 because the staff decided that 5 died on Eltare when it was invaded.

The Neoranger
01/11/11, 03:35 PM
Oh well, I had to download the episode to watch it, so I didn't get to see the credits.

Kamen Rider Decade
01/11/11, 03:39 PM
And I quote Amit Bhaumik:

Alpha 5 did perish on Eltar, Alpha 6 remains on Mirinoi, and in the time between PRIS and "Forever Red" Andros acquired Alpha 7. The Alphas are all built by the same manufacturer, so there is nothing to say that it should have the same voice. Ever notice how two cell phones built by the same company have the same ringer?


01/11/11, 03:57 PM
Thanks Primal I'll add that fact to the Alpha 5 entry in the database soon.

01/11/11, 03:58 PM
Richard Horvitz, a good friend of mine, provided the voices for both Alpha 5 and Alpha 7.


I'm making a spoof series of PR, called Strong Transformin' Irken Rangers, that has one of his latest characters, Zim, being a superhero similar to the MMPRs. I'll explain more later.

01/11/11, 03:59 PM
Nice to here from you Yazgirl.

Orange Ranger
01/11/11, 04:00 PM
Here's what I think. The phantom ranger appeared sometime after Passing the Torch. One of my theories of who the phatom ranger is, is Alpha 5 with a serious upgrade. I have two other guesses as to who the phatom ranger is. What I'm wondering is, why don't we hear about Alphas 1-4? Do they not exist? Did they start at 5? Will there ever be a Beta droid?

psychic ranger
01/11/11, 04:00 PM
I think he was destroyed or went into hiding on Eltare

04/26/14, 01:51 AM
I personally think that even though Amit had the intention of destroying Alpha 5 when Dark Specter and his forces had attacked Eltar and captured Zordon when he was writing Forever Red, I personally believe that he's still around.

04/26/14, 11:37 AM
He hangs out with me in my basement and we like to watch old episodes of Metal Hero, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman.

Serious answer would be either destroyed during the invasion of Eltar or after Zordon died he went back to Edenoi.

04/26/14, 04:51 PM
Reply to joke answer: "Good one."

Reply to serious answer: "That's interesting, I hadn't thought of that but that would make a lot more sense but would his robotics be able to handle Edenoi's gas?"

04/26/14, 05:47 PM
That's a good question either he could be upgraded to handle them or maybe Dex defeated Dregon for good, went back to Edenoi, and brought it back to normal in the events between when his own show ended, and Countdown to Destruction, and we just didn't see it.

04/27/14, 06:05 AM
Thing is the gas was part of Edenoi... kind of like how Kryptonite was part of Krypton.

04/27/14, 10:02 AM
Huh I don't know then.