View Full Version : What is your reaction when you see Dairanger and the Pre-Zyus in Super Megaforce?

11/11/14, 08:12 AM
When I first saw that, I thought it was cool, but right now with constant Pre-Zyuranger suits in the show without explanation, I'm starting to get pissed.

11/16/14, 04:49 PM
How about anger, when I first saw them. Now, I want to see each of these 5 teams get movies about their origins and adventures. :mad:

11/16/14, 06:08 PM
I was very disappointed as well as angry and mad.

11/16/14, 10:51 PM
Pretty ironic since those Diaranger suits were lretty iconic in the fandom. There has always been people clamouring for them to use the suits. And they finally do but not in the way people want.

11/16/14, 10:57 PM
I never wanted them to be used unless it made sense... how they used Dairanger and pre-Zyu was just lazy and sloppy.