View Full Version : Once A Ranger

Overdrive Omega
06/21/15, 11:10 PM
What did everyone think of the episode?

06/21/15, 11:11 PM
Outside of the pure fangasm of seeing old characters, it was a pretty disappointing entry. Thrax's random existence and abilities, the Overdrive Rangers wasting time moping, Alpha being in a box with a different voice walking around inside the Morphin Grid, all yuck. Like you, I was never big on Xander, Kira or Tori either.

Aside from Mack wielding Excelsior, Vulturis getting the gyro upgrade and Adam wearing the Defender Vest, this was one of the worst episodes of even Operation Overdrive, let alone Power Rangers as a while.

06/21/15, 11:12 PM
There's a lot to love with Once a Ranger. My appreciation of the episodes GREW after Megaforce's failed finale. OaR actually had the new Rangers interact with the old, plus it EXPLAINED as much as possible (Alpha in a box aside, maybe it was a Zordon spare like Gosei, to be used just in case of an emergency).

Who doesn't love the bit where Bridge describes why he is now SPD Red? Absolutely wonderful writing and everyone FEELS like they should do. Adam acts like Adam, Bridge is bridge, Kira is Kira, etc. It may have been tacked on to continue the general story and Thrax was never really implemented properly, but when OaR tried, it did fantastically.

There was effort and love put into it, since they wanted to celebrate the past but do so in a new way. I loved seeing the old cast driving the Overdrive Mecha, for example.

So while it did fail in many respects, it's still leaps and bounds above the Mega War in terms of quality, care, action and fun writing.

06/21/15, 11:14 PM
I would've perfered if they used the same rangers as the Veteran Sentai with Crismon Thunder in Place of MagiShine. The story though, didn't like that Thrax was Rita and Zedds son. It doesn't even seem to be possible unless Rita and Zedd had a relationship prior to mmpr before she got locked away in the dumpster.

06/21/15, 11:16 PM
I liked it.

I have some complaints. Alpha is the first to come to mind, Thrax coming out of no where. I understand these complaints. They just aren't enough to ruin the episode for me overall.

It has some great fights. The warehouse fight is one of my favorite foot soldier fights ever and I like that they play all the theme songs sans MMPR, but the replacement sounds just as good.

The morphs are just epic, especially Adam's. It's my favorite morph of the entire series, honestly.

I actually liked Xander here. I don't remember much about him from Mysic Force honestly (one of my least favorites) but he had a funny line or two.

It's nice to find out what they are all up to even if there careers are expected.

It was interesting seeing a ranger team have essentially nothing to do. Some say they quit too soon but nobody's perfect even Power Rangers, and it's nice to show flawed characters somestimes. Plus, I can't say I can blame them all for not wanting to hang around and clean with Mack.

I liked the multiple villains teaming together.

Part II should've been called Always a Ranger though.

06/22/15, 12:37 AM
I did like Once A Ranger but I have a few complaints I agree the origins of Thrax would have been explained better. These multiple villains in the season kinda annoyed me but I love it when the good guys win. Alpha 6's new voice is worst than his Brooklyn like accent in the Turbo season and did not even explain how he got to Earth from Mirinoi maybe he got a little bored with his life after helping the Galaxy Rangers. Bridge being red is a bit of an insult but I do like him in green and his buttery joke is funny but Skye should have came back as the SPD red ranger. Took me ten years to get the gesture right. Kira returning and fighting alongside one of her former mentor Doctor O aka Tommy's fellow PR legends was a good idea while it lasted and that legend of course was Adam but I always liked him better in green. Having Xander back was sick but he and the other Mystic Rangers should have came back for a team up episode with the Overdrive team. I watch his actor on ABC Family's Chasing Life. The part 2 battle was one badass moment to top off the show.

06/22/15, 03:23 PM
I liked it but can understand the episodes faults. Way too much focus on the Overdrive team. Who came off like quitters. The backstory with Thrax made no sense. The concept of Thrax bringing together the OO villains made alot of sense though. It was also cool to see an all star team of Rangers. Who were all fan favorites. The call backs to Alpha 6 and the morphing grid were cool.

06/22/15, 09:34 PM
Yeah I agree but they should have brought back more previous rangers to capatlise on the 15th anniversary milestone. Plus they should have brought in a 6th ranger other than Tommy. Also I wonder why Disney did not even bother bringing back one of the Wild Force Rangers

Disney Ranger
06/22/15, 09:47 PM
I think they just wanted to use Disney Era Rangers. Adam was just an extra treat to the fans.

Captain Codfish
06/22/15, 09:50 PM
I think it had a lot to do with logistical issues and not wanting to pay to fly too many people over from North America. Also there was probably the union issue for some actors. It was mainly a Disney Season team up.

The team up was pretty cool actually. I would have liked a better explanation for Thrax and more of the Classic Rangers. But it was still exciting to see the Rangers together. The OO Rangers ended up learning their lesson in the end anyway.

MMPR Forever
06/22/15, 09:52 PM
I liked having Adam back. I just wished they would have went full MMPR Ranger. There were plenty of Rangers to bring back if they couldn't get all the originals. Really it should have been the MMPR Rangers taking over and showing the OO Team how to get it done. Maybe the OO team could have become more like the MMPR Rangers afterwards. OO would have actually have been good.

Turbo Guy
06/22/15, 10:05 PM
I thought it was pretty cool. Plus there was a former Turbo Ranger in Adam. And I liked Overdrive overall since it was a vehicle season.

06/22/15, 10:35 PM
I think they just wanted to use Disney Era Rangers. Adam was just an extra treat to the fans.

Yeah kinda obvious isn't it

06/22/15, 10:37 PM
^^ Made sense since it was ten years prior but I think of OO as more of a Lightspeed Rescue type season where the theme is more adventure veichile the rangers were chosen because of their skills they were all complete strangers before meeting and they fought against a bunch of bad guys with no clear antagonist with one more standing in the final battle.

Lightspeed Zeo
06/23/15, 07:13 AM
It was in a lot of ways. I did like the Lightspeed characters better though...As well as the overall plot of the season. But the vehicule theme is diffinitly there.

06/23/15, 11:07 AM
Suit yourself my friend but I prefer OO over LR but that's my personal opinion

Overdrive Omega
06/23/15, 11:19 AM
I agree OO is one of my favorite seasons. I loved the character. The Mack robot storyline was well written. The zords were really interesting. Plus it was different having many factions of villains as opposed to one.

06/23/15, 11:31 AM
OO is one of my favorite seasons too but I think having too many villains was too much I think it would have been better if they sticked to Moltar and Flurious. And Miratrax what a bitch

Mega Mission
06/23/15, 11:33 AM
Miratrix would have made a good big bad with some script changes.

OAR was okay but was nowhere near as good as "Legendary Battle".

06/23/15, 11:47 AM
I agree on that

No way OAR was equally as good as Legendary Battle but was better than Forever Red

Uncle Steve
06/23/15, 06:07 PM
I hated " Legendary Battle" and OAR. Just too thrown together for my tastes. But I love "Forever Red".

06/23/15, 09:36 PM
That is okay we have different preferences.