08/01/04, 06:54 PM
Today's episode was certainly action filled. I have to say that this episode was entertaining for that reason. This is more how last episode should have been done, almost all action so the focus could have been on the Tommy/Zeltrac final battle. Back to Today's episode though, I don't like them writing off the Evil White Ranger Clone so early. It just doesn't seem like they used him to his full potential. Its interesting that Cassidy and Ethan are becoming and item. Until the end of last episode one wouldn't have expected that. It will be interesting to see of Cassidy and Kira really become friends. I wish the satillite plot would have been explained a bit more. Geeze, Mesagog just keeps losing henchman, maybe he needs to put an ad in the paper or something. I can see it now Help Wanted: Henchman with at least two years villian experiance.